Notices for 3rd April 2011

This week’s order of service is now available from the calendar or under “Upcoming Events” (or click directly here).

Notices follow:

The telephone in the Office is now working again!

OPEN CHURCH: for the Church to be open this week (Mon-Wed 10-12 only) we need volunteers – please sign the list in the foyer if you can help.

NEW READERS’ ROSTER is now available – please take your copy TODAY. Many thanks to everyone who volunteered!! Anna.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS: Meet at St Anne’s Church in Wilsons Rd on 6th April at 9.30am for a walk around St Martins. Coffee at Fava. Allison 332 0554.

FOOTCARE CLINIC begins on Thursday 14th April 1-4pm in the church lounge. The clinic runs every six weeks. Please book through the Parish Office 332 6192.  Details are on the poster in the lounge. We would like to hear from anyone who would like to assist with this. Lyndsey 388 1264.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS is now underway on Thursdays in the Lounge from 10am until 12 noon. For details, please contact Beverley 332 7786.

To help plan pastoral coverage while Chris is away (and so we don’t worry too much about you!), if you’re going away for an extended period please sign the list in the foyer, giving us the dates. This would be most helpful. Joan Scott, Pastoral Convenor.

“Pathways” Home Group –  for the next few months, we will meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 10am – 11.30am. If the time suits, and you would like to join us on 9th April, there is still room. Phone Peggy 981 5735 for details.