Sunday 23 October 2011

The Board of Managers Report

CALL TO WORSHIP:  Based on Psalm 57.9-11
Give thanks to the Lord among the people
Sing praises to him among the nations
For his steadfast love is high as the heavens
And his faithfulness extends to the clouds
May God be honoured above the heavens
May his glory be seen everywhere on earth.

HYMN: 93  God is Love,  Let  Heaven  Adore  Him



SONG:  Let There Be Peace On Earth
Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me;
Let there be peace on earth,
the peace that was meant to be.
With God our Creator we’re one family.
Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me,
let this be the moment now.
With every step I take,
let this be my solemn vow:
To take each moment and live each moment
in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me.               ©  Jan-Lee Music (NJS)

READINGS:     from  Psalm 91 (Nan Merrill)    Ken Cree
Matthew 22.34-46            Peggy Cree
The Pharisees try to test Jesus by asking him what the most important commandment is. He replies that the first is to love the Lord and the second is to love others. He then asks them a question about the Messiah which they are unable to answer.

SERMON: Will we win?

HYMN:  The Game of Life    Tune: Hymn to Joy (WOV 92)
In the game of life before us
we are called to lay aside
all that hinders our team’s progress
all that tempts our selfish pride.
We are called to train for living,
we are called to give our best,
looking ever unto Jesus
as he puts us to the test.

In the game of life before us
it is Jesus who’s the coach,
He has travelled first this journey
it is he who knows the ropes.
For the joy that lay before him
He endured both nails and cross,
till he conquered every hurdle,
making good what had seemed loss.

In the game of life before us
we are players on the field,
while the crowd in life’s arena,
waits to cheer to chant to plead.
What will be the final outcome?
That’s not ours to decide,
how we play is now what matters,
for our team, our Coach, our Guide.          © Norman E Brookes
Based on Hebrews 12

Gracious God, we offer these gifts, thankful for opportunities to share, learn, and grow.  We offer ourselves, to become like your heart for the world.
Empower us to be instruments of your love, and to be a community
of welcome and compassion for all,  in the name of Jesus.  AMEN.


Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth. ?Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust. ?Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace. ?Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe

(The International Prayer for Peace)

HYMN: Songbook  27  The Servant Song (1st verse repeated at the end)


A very warm welcome to you all as you worship with us this morning. Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee in the lounge after the service.

NEXT SUNDAY 30th October we will be celebrating Community Sunday at our 10am service. There will be a craft sales table after the service.

FIRESIDE: Tuesday 25th October 7.30pm at Joan’s home to see a documentary on Sir Paul Reeves. Supper: Fern & Barbara. Enquiries to Margaret 366 8936.

CUPPA & CHAT: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon. Do pop in!

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 26th October – Ilam Gardens: Meet 9.45am at the bus stop In Ilam Rd opposite carpark by Ngaio Marsh building. This will allow Orbiter travelers to catch 9.12 bus from St Martins and en route. June 332 8874.

CARING & SHARING: Wednesday 26th October 2pm in the Lounge. The Scottish Country Dancers will be performing. All Welcome. Margaret 324 3825.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge. For details, please contact Beverley 942 7821. Please help us!! We require kitchen hands on a roster basis for 1½ hours only once every six weeks (the days the Foot Clinic is on)  to serve tea/coffee and do dishes.  The more people who volunteer, the fewer times you would be needed! For details, please contact Beverley 942 7821 or text 027 787 5868.?

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Thursday 17th November – please book through the Parish Office 332 6192.

Working with Kids – Presbytery Resourcing Event Saturday 5th November 2011 9am – 12.30pm at St Mark’s, Withells Rd, Avonhead. See noticeboard for details.

There are copies of Chris’ study leave report on the table in the foyer. Please sign the notebook if you borrow a copy.

Issues Group – the first meeting will be Sunday 30th October, at the Manse, at 5.30pm. Bring tea to share. The topic that evening will be Crossing Denominational lines in the Christchurch Re-build. All Welcome.

DO YOU HAVE SPARE BEDDING? Sheena Dickson (St George’s/Iona) is having many requests for blankets, pillows, duvets etc from people whose belongings have been ruined by liquefaction in abandoned homes. If you can help, please bring items to Church and put them in the kitchen, and we will deliver them.  Many thanks for your help.

BIRTHDAYS this week: Sun 23rd Lyn; Tue 25th Warren & Jim; Thu 27th Allison & Tony