• Board of Managers and Fair Committee Reports
To make an act of worship, we bring ourselves:
perhaps a little tired; perhaps a little pre-occupied;
expecting much, expecting little.
And we bring our thoughts: some thankful and joyful;
some worried and anxious; some trivial, some deep.
And we bring our words: the unexceptional language of everyday;
the complex language of belief;
the expressions of faith and doubt, of fear and hope.
All the ordinariness of our daily lives
we bring to this act of worship;
that with Christ we might climb
towards the mountain top to meet God
and find our human offerings transfigured
by the glory of his divine love.
HYMN: God Whose Love is Everywhere
God whose love is everywhere
made our earth and all things fair,
ever keeps them in his care;
praise the God of love!
He who hung the stars in space
holds the spinning world in place;
praise the God of love!
Come with thankfulness to sing
of the gifts the seasons bring,
summer, winter, autumn, spring;
praise the God of love!
He who gave us breath and birth
gives us all the fruitful earth;
praise the God of love!
See the sign of love appear,
flame of glory, bright and clear,
light for all the world is here;
praise the God of love!
Gloom and darkness, get you gone!
Christ the Light of life has shone;
praise the God of love! © Timothy Dudley-Smith
SONG: Songbook 20 With a Hoot and a Toot
READINGS: 2 Kings 2: 1-11 Martin Cleland
Mark 9: 2-8 Gwendoline Cleland
HYMN: Will You Come and See the Light (Tune: Kelvingrove)
Will you come and see the light from the stable door?
It is shining newly bright, though it shone before.
It will be your guiding star, it will show you who you are;
will you hide, or decide to meet the light?
Will you step into the light that can free the slave? It will stand for what is right, it will heal and save.
By the pyramids of greed there’s a longing to be freed;
will you hide, or decide to meet the light?
Will you join the hope, a-light in the young girl’s eyes,
of the mighty put to flight by a baby’s cries?
When the lowest and the least are the foremost at the feast, will you hide, or decide to meet the light?
Will you travel by the light of the babe newborn?
In the candle lit at night there’s a gleam of dawn,
and the darkness all about is too dim to put it out:
will you hide, or decide to meet the light? © Hope Publishing (VU)
HYMN: Come, Praise The Name Of Jesus (Tune: Morning Light)
Come, praise the name of Jesus
for all his gracious powers,
our only God and Saviour
who makes his goodness ours;
he calls us to his kingdom,
the Lord of life and death,
to see his face in glory
and know him now by faith
We see his shining splendour
in every sunless place
where Christ, the light of nations,
appears in truth and grace.
Transfigured by his likeness
we make the vision known,
reflecting in our faces
the radiance of his own.
The king of grace inspires us
to love him more and more,
to grasp our hope more firmly
and make our calling sure.
Christ Jesus, Lord and Saviour,
to this dark world you came;
and for the dawn of heaven,
we praise your holy name. © Christopher Idle (HFTC)
A very warm welcome to you all as you worship with us this morning. Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee in the lounge after the service.
ASH WEDNESDAY COMMUNION & REMEMBRANCE SERVICE On Wednesday 22nd February at 7pm the Association of Presbyterian Women and the Methodist Women’s Fellowship will be holding an Ash Wednesday Communion Service at St Martin’s. The service is open to everyone in the congregation to attend and will also include a Remembrance for 22/2/11. We look forward to seeing you all at this service. Allison 332 0554.
NEIGHBOURHOOD BBQ: NEXT Sunday 26th February 5.00 – 7.00pm. Everything provided. Just bring your neighbours! Enquiries to Sonya please 339 7038.
CUPPA & CHAT Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon. Do pop in! For details, please contact Aubrey 930 2525.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 22nd February ~ meet 9.30am in Stourbridge St (by Oderings). Coffee at Oderings after our Spreydon saunter! June 332 8874.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am until 12 noon. Newcomers welcome. Please contact Beverley 332 7786 for more information.
FOOTCARE CLINIC: The next session is on Thursday 29th March. Please book through the Parish Office. Queries to Lyndsey 388 1264.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 2nd March 10am at St Mark’s Anglican Church Hall, Opawa Rd (please enter off Vincent Pl). This year’s service has been prepared by the women of Malaysia. All are welcome.
MARMALADE FOR MISSIONS ~ please support this fundraiser!
An Invitation is extended to all from St Martins, St James & Hoon Hay to join Cashmere Hills for a picnic on Sunday 11th March, Halswell Quarry at midday. The booked site is the Lions picnic area – enter from Kennedys Bush Rd. The site will be labelled. All Welcome.
On Sunday 4th March the congregation of St George’s/Iona will be joining us. Please could you all bring a plate for morning tea on this day. Thanks. Worship Committee.
Recipes for zucchini – please collect a leaflet from the foyer if you are interested. Apologies from Lyn for inadvertently omitting this from the Messenger.
PLEASE NOTE: Bruce & Beverley’s phone number is 332 7786. Please update your lists.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Wed 22nd Lindsay, Ross; Thu 23rd Bessie; Sat 25th Bill.