In Praise of Autumn 15 April 2012


Ours is the sunlight, ours is the morning,
ours is the rain to give the fresh life.
Ours is all this to see and know, Lord God,
but it is you who make it so.
You are the Creator – Maker and Minder –
for you we would live.
Our is the new dawn, ours is the fresh start,
ours is the new song.
Ours is all this to have and hold, Lord God,
but it is you who make it so.
You are the Redeemer – Forgiver and Fulfiller –
for you we would live.
Ours is the elation, ours is the fruitful season’s turning,
ours is the sense of completeness.
Ours is all this to feel and show, Lord God,
but it is you who make it so.
You are the Inspirer – Guide and Companion –
for you we would live.

HYMN: There’s Beauty All Around Us (Tune: WOV 565)
There’s beauty all around us
above and on the ground.
creation gives a message,
breathtaking and profound.
Loving God, we worship you
for the wonders you have made.

The sea and clouds at sunset
rich colours spreading wide
in glory through the heavens
and on the rising tide. Loving God…
The mystery of the mountains
far off and rising high,
the twinkling stars at nightfall
cascading down the sky. Loving God…

There’s beauty all around us
if we have eyes to see,
the wonders in creation
unlimited and free. Loving God… © June Gibson


READINGS: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4, 6-14 Allison Blackler

Psalm 65 Ken Cree

REFLECTION: Autumn: A season of the year …

STORY-TIME: Ears and the Secret Song

SONG: Songbook 66 We Plough the Fields with Tractors

REFLECTION 2: Autumn, a season of vulnerability

HYMN: Autumn Comes in all its Fullness (Tune: WOV 148ii)
Autumn comes in all its fullness
harvest of the land and heart.
Autumn has its birth in winter
in the stillness where life starts.
Every death brings hope of birthing,
every birthing heralds death,
for the patterns framed by nature
form the seasons of our hearts.

Autumn calls for deep reflection
on the choices that bear fruit –
how we sow and how we nurture
all our just and vain pursuits…

Buried in autumnal endings
lies the greening of the tomb,
for the letting go in autumn
gives the entry to life’s womb…

God of March and April Autumn,
God of Northern Autumn too,
may Christ’s life and nature’s seasons
be as one instead of two… © Bill Wallace

Autumn Tapestry by Anne and Doug Johns

(The offering will be taken up during Autumn Tapestry)

God, as we celebrate this season of beauty and bounty
we bring these gifts for your blessing.
God of Creation, help us to have the attitude of thanksgiving
throughout the seasons to come.
Every time we eat a meal, remind us of your presence.
Every time we drink, remind us of your blessings.
Every time we see a need, give us the sense of sharing.
Every time we look around us, may we enjoy your creation,
so that when we gather again next harvest time
we shall know you have sustained us,
and we have lived and given ourselves for you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.



HYMN: Jesus Christ is Alive and Lives in Me (Tune: WOV 206)
Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me
as I touch the Christ within;
as I open my life to the pow’r of God’s love I obey the risen Christ.
God’s love is the life within me. The hope that empowers today.

Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me
as I care for God’s good earth;
for the love of the soil and the life it sustains
draws me close to God in Christ.
God’s love is the life within me. The hope that empowers today.

Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me
as I fight oppression’s power;
as I work with the poor in the strength of God’s love
I exalt the risen Christ.
God’s love is the life within me. The hope that empowers today.

Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me
as I seek God’s living Word;
For the Scriptures of old and events of today
all reveal the Risen Word.
God’s love is the life within me. The hope that empowers today.

Jesus Christ is alive and lives in me
as I worship God with joy;
in the breaking of bread and the song of God’s love
I am one with the Christ the Life.
God’s love is the life within me. The hope that empowers today.
© Bill Wallace


“No Arms for Atrocities” ~ Commit to an effective arms trade treaty.
For details, please read the information on the noticeboard in the Lounge. If you would like to sign this petition you will find it on the table in the foyer.

A very warm welcome to you all as you worship with us this morning. Please stay for a cup of tea or coffee in the lounge after the service.
CELEBRATION OF AUTUMN: Thank you to all those who have brought a contribution to the Waltham Community Cottage pantry this morning.

CUPPA & CHAT Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon. Do pop in! For details, please contact Aubrey 930 2525.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 18th April: Meet 9.30am on the cnr of Somerfield & Selwyn Streets. Coffee with Aubrey at church. June 332 8874.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS will not be meeting this Thursday 19th April. Please contact Beverley 332 7786 for more information.

BOARD OF MANAGERS – please note that this month’s meeting is on 26th April, not the 18th.

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Seeking volunteers please to train up to cut nails, assist with the footspas and massage. This clinic happens every six weeks. The next session is on Thursday 10th May. Offers of help to Lyndsey please 388 1264.

MARMALADE FOR MISSIONS ~ please support this fundraiser!

Pioneers Bible Study Group is seeking more participants. Please contact Bruce or Beverley Hudson 332 7786.

Please join us! Because we are fortunate to have a very interesting speaker at our April meeting the Fireside group would like to invite the women of the congregation and friends to join us.
Colleen McKay, manager of Haemophilia Outreach Services, will talk about her visits to Cambodia at 7.30pm on Tuesday 24th April in the church lounge. It would be appreciated if you would bring a small, inexpensive gift that we can give her to take to Cambodia for children there – for example, something from the $2 Shop like hair ties, colouring book & pencils, small car. To help with numbers for supper an RSVP would be appreciated.
Lyn 332 0865 Allison 332 0554 Margaret 336 8936

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Mon 16th Mavis; Sat 21st David.