Tena koutou katoa
Tena koe.
CALL TO WORSHIP: (excerpts Ps 96 W. Brandt)
God is here; God is now
It is time for celebration.
Let us create new songs of praise to our God.
Wherever one turns, God’s presence is apparent.
Let us celebrate God’s presence in our world today.
HYMN: God is Truly Present
God is truly present,
Let us come expectant,
Reverently through Christ approaching.
God has come among us,
So we bring our worship,
Waiting here in awe and stillness.
God we own: God alone –
In the Son revealing
Mercy, truth and healing.
Jesus dwell within me,
Let my mind and spirit
Be the place where you are living.
Loving Lord, draw nearer,
Bringing light and wholeness,
So may I reflect your glory.
Let your will guide me still,
As I bow before you,
Always longing for you.
Come in power and wisdom,
Let your presence fill me;
Take away all things that bind me.
As the warmth of sunshine
Brings the bud to flower,
Let your beauty grow within me.
Lead me on, where you’ve gone,
Jesus friend and leader,
Constant interceder. ©Gerhard Tersteegen
Be still, be silent before your God.
Say nothing, ask nothing, be still, listen.
God is there beside, within. Give God space.
Be still, be silent.
PLAY: More Than Words by Ken Russell
References: Jeremiah chapter 1 – the call, the boiling pot;
chapter 18 – the potter & the clay; chapter 19 – the broken earthenware jug;
chapter 24 – the good and bad figs; chapter 27 – the sign of the yoke;
chapter 29 – the letter.
Gracious God, with these gifts of money and food as a sign of love, we offer you our love, our time, energy and skills to be used within our everyday. Amen.
We come to the table in response to the invitation of Jesus Christ, who loved, suffered and died for all people. We come seeking renewal and hope that is offered through the risen Christ. We come to show our solidarity with all people of the world in their search for peace and justice.
The people of God have a human face. We laugh, we weep, we wait in hope. We lift our eyes and stub our toes, we love and struggle, we fail, we stand and always we stand on trembling ground. But God is God and Jesus is the Christ and the Spirit will lift our feet. God is at the centre, God is at our endings. Nothing lies beyond the love of God in Christ. (from Echoes of our Journey. McRae-McMahon)
HYMN: Everyday I Will Offer You
Every day I will offer you,
Loving God my heart and mind
Every way I discover you,
In the work your hand has signed;
Help me see I’m your image, and
You have dreamed what I might be –
Every day – in your Spirit,
I’ll find the love and energy!
Every day I will look to Christ
And give thanks for wine and bread.
Through the pain and the emptiness
Where your world cries to be fed;
Help me see I can work for change,
And wherever I might be.
Every day in your Spirit,
I’ll find the love and energy!
Every day I will take your word,
Answer your compassion’s claim,
Celebrate every sign of hope,
Every deed done in your name;
Help me see you are always there,
And your light can shine through me,
Every day in your Spirit,
I’ll find the love and energy! ©Shirley Murray
DISTRIBUTION OF ELEMENTS: to the four corners of the world.
BIBLE READING: Matthew 28: 16-20 Joan Macdonald
HYMN: WOV 450 Let us from this Table Rise
Now let us from this table rise renewed in body, mind and soul;
with Christ we die and live again, his selfless love has made us whole.
With minds alert, upheld by grace, to spread the Word in speech and deed, we follow in the steps of Christ, at one with man in hope and need.
To fill each human house with love, it is the sacrament of care;
the work that Christ began to do we humbly pledge ourselves to share.
Then give us courage, Father God, to choose again the pilgrim way,
and help us to accept with joy the challenge of tomorrow’s day. F Kaan.
We go now, having committed ourselves anew to respond in love in service. May we know the freedom to move into the unknown and untried, see opportunities each new day to serve with love, compassion, imagination and courage. We go, knowing that God will be with us, Jesus Christ will guide us and the spirit of God will lead us along the way. Amen.
SUNG BLESSING: E Te Atua (tune Kum Ba Yah)
E te Atua aroha mai (x3) O God loves us
Ake ake tonu e forever and ever.
E te Atua manaaki mai… O God bless us
E te Atua awhina mai… O God help us (AA)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Morning tea will be served after the service.
Chris is away on holiday. For any pastoral matters please contact your Elder, or phone Bruce Hudson, Session Clerk on 332 7786. Our worship next Sunday will be led by Rev John McKean.
HUB LUNCHEON St James’ Church Hall on Sunday 14th October at 12.30pm $5 per person. Please pay Fern to receive your ticket(s). There are still a few places available if you wish to attend. Sonya 339 7038 & Judith 332 1577.
CUPPA & CHAT: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon. All welcome. Aubrey 930 2525.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 10th October: Meet 9.30am at Opawa Mall, cnr Opawa & Hawford Roads. Coffee at Opawa Bakery. Judith 332 1577.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS meets every Thursday 10am – 12 noon. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome. Beverley 332 7786.
FUNDRAISER: A record of the demolition of our beloved Hall is available on DVD. $20. Please add your name to the list in the foyer if you wish to purchase a copy, or see Aubrey 930 2525.
FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Monday 29th October 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. Lyndsey 388 1264. Please phone or email Anna to book.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am – 12 noon & Fri 9-11am. Email or phone 332 6192.
EMAIL ADDRESSES: Please make sure Anna has your CORRECT email address so we can keep you informed about what is happening.
ST MARTINS THEATRE GROUP: Roger Hall’s “Taking Off” is about four Kiwi women who decide it’s never too late to do their big OE. Suggested date: Friday 23 November. $39 for earlybird special. If interested, please let Lyn know TODAY 338 0840!
APW will meet at Cust Union Church, Earlys Road, on Wednesday 10th October commencing with morning tea from 9.30am. Bring your lunch and enjoy Country Day. Allison 332 0554.
HUB PROGRAM October 7-14– committed to sharing and mutual support
St James Spreydon
Sun 14 Oct 12.30pm Hub Lunch at St James. Tickets $5.
Mon 8 9.15am School holidays – No Pre School Music
Wed 10 10am Forum – a group to discuss the previous Sunday’s readings and Sermon.
Thurs 11 10.45am-12 noon (approx) Prayer Group at 20 Major Aitken Drive
Hoon Hay No programme received
Mon 1 9.30-10.40 am Tai Chi in lounge: Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls Pat 353 0265
Tues 2 10.00 am NO Mainly music Eleanor.School term only
Wed 3 1.00 pm Ladies Indoor Bowls. Sheila 960 4412
7.00 pm Scottish Country Dancing – David 322 7954
Thurs 4 9.30-10.40 am Tai Chi in lounge: Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls – Pat 353 0265
Fri 5th 5.00 pm Messy Church – new way of experiencing church with craft activities, story and a shared meal
7.00 pm LIFT – Youth program. Matt 027 389 0000
A KEEP FIT CLASS from your chair: “Sit and Stay Fit”. Every Thursday 1.15-2.30pm at the St Peter’s Church Hall, Fisher Ave, Beckenham. $4 pp. and a cuppa to follow. It is lots of fun, good music we all know and led by an enthusiastic instructor. Anneke 328 7459.