GATHERING: (Together)
We are here to meet each other by conversation and friendship,
and within the mystery of worship.
We are here to meet people of our community through others’ experience and stories, and within the mystery of prayer.
We are here to meet the world by remembering its needs and opportunities, and within the mystery of being one humanity.
We are here to meet our God or rather, to know that God is meeting us.
HYMN: Fill Your Hearts with Joy and Gladness
Fill your hearts with joy and gladness,
sing and praise your God and mine!
Great the Lord in love and wisdom,
might and majesty divine!
He who framed the starry heavens
knows and names them as they shine.
Praise the Lord, his people, praise him!
wounded souls his comfort know;
those who fear him find his mercies,
peace for pain and joy for woe;
humble hearts are high exalted,
human pride and power laid low.
Praise the Lord for times and season,
cloud and sunshine, wind and rain;
spring to melt the snows of winter
till the waters flow again;
grass upon the mountain pastures,
golden valleys thick with grain.
Fill your hearts with joy and gladness,
peace and plenty crown your days;
love his laws, declare his judgements,
walk in all his words and ways;
he the Lord and we his children –
praise the Lord, all people, praise! © Timothy Dudley-Smith (HFTC)
CHILDREN’S SONG: There’s a Song of Love in My Heart
There’s a song of love in my heart;
love is a gift from Jesus.
There’s a song of love in my heart;
love is a gift from God.
Alleluia! Love in my heart is singing praises.
Alleluia! Love is a gift from God.
There’s a song of hope in my heart;
hope is a gift from Jesus.
There’s a song of hope in my heart;
hope is a gift from God.
Alleluia! Hope in my heart is singing praises.
Alleluia! Hope is a gift from God.
There’s a song of joy in my heart;
joy is a gift from Jesus.
There’s a song of joy in my heart;
joy is a gift from God.
Alleluia! Joy in my heart is singing praises.
Alleluia! Joy is a gift from God. ©Norman Habel (SoS)
READING: Luke 10: 25-37 Anneke Howie
The Cottage in the lives of the local people
HYMN: Here I am, Lord
I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin
my hand will save.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord; is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night;
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.
I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain;
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my Word to them.
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord; is it I, Lord….
I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them.
My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide
till their hearts are satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord; is it I, Lord… © Oregon Catholic Press (VU)
God, we bring an offering of money and food, along with the offering of ourselves in your service. Our prayer is that this offering may be used for good: to continue the ministry of St Martin’s, to reach out into the wider community and world, to bring new life, hope and opportunity,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
HYMN: As a Fire is Meant For Burning
As a fire is meant for burning with a bright and warming flame,
so the church is meant for mission, giving, glory to God’s name.
Not to preach our creeds or customs, but to build a bridge of care,
we join hands across the nations, finding neighbours everywhere.
We are learners, we are teachers, we are pilgrims on the way.
We are seekers, we are givers, we are vessels made of clay.
By our gentle, loving actions, we would show that Christ is light.
In a humble, listening Spirit, we would live to God’s delight.
As a green bud in the springtime is a sign of life renewed,
so may we be signs of oneness mid earth’s peoples, many hued.
As a rainbow lights the heavens when a storm is past and gone,
may our lives reflect the radiance of God’s new and glorious dawn.
© Ruth Duck (VU)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Morning tea will be served after the service.
CUPPA & CHAT: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon. All welcome. Aubrey 930 2525.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 31st October: Meet 9.30am at the corner of Rolleston Ave & Cashel Street for a walk around the city, followed by coffee. Allison 332 0554.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS meets every Thursday 10am – 12 noon. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome. Beverley 332 7786.
FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session TOMORROW 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. Lyndsey 388 1264.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am – 12 noon & Fri 9-11am. Phone 332 6192. Email: stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. WEBSITE: www.stmartins.org.nz
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Thu 1st Nov Gillian.
HUB PROGRAM October 29th – November 4th
committed to sharing and mutual support
St James Spreydon
Sun 28th 12pm LA LA LAC [Ladies Alone, Living Alone, Lunching
AfterChurch] gathering at Oderings.
Tues 30th 9.30am Little Kidz Music in Hall Lounge (Kay 339-2370)
Fri 2nd 4.30pm Friday Kids in Kids Room (Stephanie 337 9871)
Mon 29th 9.15am Pre-School Music – contact Heidi 332 8460
2pm Foot Clinic
Tues 30th 9.30am Foot Clinic – phone the office (332 7129) to book an
Tues 30th 7pm Cashmere Residents Association AGM
Wed 31st 10.00 am Forum – to discuss last week’s readings & Sermon.
Thurs 1st Nov 10.45 am – 12 noon Prayer Group at 20 Major Aiken Drive 7.30pm Choir Rehearsal in Church
Relief Cleaner wanted: Our regular cleaner will be taking two weeks’ leave towards the end of November. The person who usually covers for her is not available, so we are looking for someone else to do the cleaning whilst she is away. If you are able to help, or can recommend someone, please contact Richard (981 7381)
Hoon Hay
Tues 30th 10.00 am Mainly music – 0 – 5 years Eleanor 960 4824
Wed 31st 1.00 pm Ladies Indoor Bowls – Sheila 960 4412
7.00 pm Scottish Country Dancing – David 322 7954
Thurs 1st 9.30-10.40 am Tai Chi in lounge: Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls Pat 353 0265
Fri 2nd 5.00 pm Messy Church – a new way of experiencing church with craft activities, story and a shared meal
7.00 pm LIFT – Youth program. Matt 027 389 0000
A KEEP FIT CLASS from your chair: “Sit and Stay Fit”. Every Thursday 1.15-2.30pm at the St Peter’s Church Hall, Fisher Ave, Beckenham. $4 pp. and a cuppa to follow. It is lots of fun, good music we all know and led by an enthusiastic instructor. Anneke 328 7459.