Celebrating Spring 8 September 2013


We gather this morning in praise and thanksgiving.
Warming earth, late spring frosts, blossoming fruit trees,
kowhai in bloom, new green grass, young animals being born; paddocks under plough, disc and roller, sowing of crops;
and a sense of optimism and expectation as all things burst into life.
So much to look forward to.
God of new beginnings, you bless each day, making your love eternal spring. Fill our hearts that we may praise you,
the Lord of every season.

HYMN: Lord of the Changing Year (Tune: Little Cornard WOV 107)
Lord of the changing year,
patterns and colours bright;
all that we see and hear,
sunrise and starlit night:
the seasons, Lord, in splendour shine,
your never-failing wise design.

Lord of the winter scene,
hard-frozen ice and snow;
death where once life has been,
nothing is seen to grow;
few creatures roam, few birds will fly
across the clouded wintery sky.

Lord of unfolding spring,
promise of life to come;
nature begins to sing
where once her tongue was dumb;
the crocus blooms, the hedgerows wake,
and Advent day is soon to break.

Lord of the summer days,
spreading and green the trees;
song thrush lifts high your praise,
gulls light on deep-blue seas;
the warmth and welcome of the sun
brings happiness to everyone.

Lord of the autumn gold,
reaping and harvest home,
sheep safely in the fold,
turn of the year has come.
The seasons, Lord, in splendour shine,
your never-failing wise design. © David Mowbray (HFTC)



SONG: (Tune: Old McDonald Had a Farm)
We are celebrating Spring t-o-d-a-y
Because we’re happy let’s all sing t-o-d-a-y
With a blossom here and a daffy there,
here a leaf there a bud, everywhere a new flower,
Let’s embrace then all new things t-o-d-a-y.

Lambs are jumping high with glee t-o-d-a-y
Enjoying life while young and free t-o-d-a-y
With a gambol here and a gambol there
here a bound there a bound, everywhere a fast run
Tails wiggling full of fun t-o-d-a-y.

Caterpillars on our greens m-u-n-c-h
They’re all part of God’s great schemes m-u-n-c-h
Don’t knock them off here or hose them off there
here no squish there no spray, everywhere let bugs stay
Please be kind when pests are found t-o-d-a-y.

Baby birds are everywhere n-e-s-t-s
We’ve got chickens in our hair n-e-s-t-s
With a cluck cluck here and a cheep cheep there
here a quack there a quack, everywhere a chirp chirp,
Feathered friends are in the air t-o-d-a-y.
There’s lots about all fresh and young t-o-d-a-y
We love it now that spring has sprung t-o-d-a-y
With a puppy here and a kitten there
here a calf there a foal, everywhere a new soul,
Thank you Lord for this display t-o-d-a-y. (With thanks to June Service)

READING: Psalm 104 selections Cynthia Cross


READING: Luke 12: 22-31 John McKean

HYMN: We Plough the Fields and Scatter (Remain seated)
We plough the fields, and scatter
the good seed on the land,
but it is fed and watered
by your almighty hand;
you send the snow in winter,
the warmth to swell the grain,
the breezes and the sunshine
and soft refreshing rain.
All good gifts around us
are sent from heaven above;
We thank you God, O thank you God,
for all your love.

You only are the Maker
of all things near and far;
you paint the wayside flower,
you light the evening star;
the winds and waves obey you,
by you the birds are fed;
much more to us, your children,
you give us daily bread. C/A


Slides accompany the prayer

HYMN: Touch the Earth Lightly (Tune: Bunessan WOV 91)
Touch the earth lightly,
use the earth gently,
nourish the life of the world in our care:
gift of great wonder,
ours to surrender,
trust for the children tomorrow will bear.

We who endanger,
who create hunger,
agents of death for all creatures that live,
we who would foster
clouds of disaster,
God of our planet, forestall and forgive!

Let there be greening,
birth from the burning,
water that blesses and air that is sweet,
health in God’s garden,
hope in God’s children,
regeneration that peace will complete.

God of all living,
God of all loving,
God of the seedling, the snow and the sun,
teach us, deflect us,
Christ re-connect us,
using us gently and making us one. © Shirley Murray (AA)



HYMN: In the Bulb There is a Flower
In the bulb there is a flower,
in the seed, an apple tree;
in cocoons, a hidden promise:
butterflies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter
there’s a spring that waits to be,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.

There’s a song in every silence,
seeking word and melody,
there’s a dawn in every darkness,
bringing hope to you and me.
From the past will come the future
what it holds, a mystery,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.

In our end is our beginning,
in our time, infinity;
In our doubt there is believing;
in our life, eternity.
In our death, a resurrection;
at the last, a victory,
unrevealed until its season,
Something God alone can see. © Hope Publishing (VU)

A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea following the service.

REMINDER: Sunday Worship is at 9am each week.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of Parishioners will be held on Sunday 22nd September following Morning Worship. A copy of the proposed budget is included with this bulletin.

AN INVITATION: “Spring at Strathfield” TODAY 12-3pm. 1¼ acres on several levels is still pretty untidy but improving. Bulbs, blossoms and rockeries don’t know about earthquakes! Bring your lunch and a drink. Enter at 74 Aynsley Tce by the river (balloons will mark the entrance). All are welcome. Jill 332 2022.

Next Sunday the Craft Group is having a display of work which has been made over our 2 ½ years in the middle lounge. A must see. Beverley 332 7786.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Please remember to fill and return your shoebox on Sunday 22nd September.

PRESBYTERY MEETING Tuesday 10th September 7pm at the Knox Centre, Bealey Ave, is open to all who wish to attend. Rev Darryl Tempero and his team will be presenting information about the new Alpine Presbytery.

CUPPA & CHAT: Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge at Beckenham Methodist. All welcome. Aubrey 930 2525.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 11th September: Meet 9.30am in the Botanic Gardens by the footbridge in carpark off Armagh St. Barb has kindly offered to host a ‘fundraising’ morning tea, to be held wet or fine. 10.30am at 5 Kilmore Street. June 332 8874.

CHRISTCHURCH APW will meet on Wednesday 11th September at 9.45am at St James’ Presbyterian Church, Barrington Street. The speaker will be Mollie Wood, speaking about her life as a Justice of the Peace. There will be a Sales Table and all are welcome to attend. Allison 332 0554.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS meets every Thursday 10am -12 noon in the Beckenham Methodist Lounge. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome. Please contact Beverley 332 7786 for more information.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon and Friday 9-11am. Phone 332 6192 or email stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Location: St Anne’s Anglican Church, 7 Wilsons Rd (at the rear of the site near the sandpit). Website: www.stmartins.org.nz

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session Monday 14th October 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. Please phone the Parish Office to book.

Global Voices & Wososi singing a World of A Capella, TODAY 2.30pm at St Michael’s School Hall, 247 Durham St. Tickets $10 at the door.

Rustle of Spring Concert Sunday 15th September 2.30pm Cashmere Hills Presbyterian Church with Tim Emerson (Piano), David M?ller-Cajar (French Horn), and featuring a display of Flamenco Dancing. Door sales only – $14 Adults; $10 unwaged.

HUB NEWS: This week’s information is displayed in the Lounge.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Friday 13th Peter.

Hub Activities for the week 8th – 15th September 2013

St James Presbyterian Church
Sun 8 Sept 12pm Shared Lunch.
Mon 9 Sept 7pm Men’s Muster in Hall Lounge. Speaker – Aged
Concern ‘Being in the Community’
7pm Craft Group in Church Lounge
Tues 10 Sept 9.30am Tuesday Kidz in Hall Lounge
7pm Christchurch Presbytery – forming the Alpine
Presbytery in 2014. All welcome
Wed 11 Sept 9.45am Christchurch APW. Speaker – Mollie Wood on being a JP.
2pm Mid-Week Communion, Whareora, Athelstan St
Fri 13 Sept 4.30pm Friday Kidz in Kidz Live Room

St Martin’s Presbyterian Church
NB: all events at Beckenham Methodist, Malcolm Ave, unless otherwise specified.
Tue 10 Sept 10am-12noon Cuppa & Chat. Aubrey 930 2525
Wed 11 Sept 9.30am Walking Group at Botanic Gardens. Fundraising
morning tea after at 5 Kilmore St. June 332 8874
10am-12noon Cuppa & Chat. Aubrey
Thu 12 Sept 10am-12noon Crafty Crafters. $3 per session. Beverley 332 7786.
Sun 15 Sept 9am Morning Worship. Craft Group display.

Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church
Mon 9 Sept 9.30am & 10.40am Tai Chi for seniors in lounge. Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Tues 10 Sept 10.00am Mainly Music. Eleanor 960 4824
Wed 11 Sept 10.00 am Craft Group. Linda 322 4437
1.00 pm West Spreydon Ladies Indoor Bowls. Sheila 960 4412
7.00 pm Scottish Country Dancing. David 322 7954
Thurs 12 Sept 9.30am & 10.40am Tai Chi for seniors in lounge. Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls Contact Pat 353 0265
Fri 13 Sept 7.00pm Lift Youth Group – contact Matt 027 3890000
Sat 14 Sept 1.30pm Hoon Hay Indoor Bowls. Brian 338 4488

Cashmere Hills Presbyterian Church
Mon 9 Sept 9.30am Pre-School Music
Wed 11 Sep 10.00am Forum – discuss last Sunday’s Readings and Sermon.
Thurs 12 Sep 10.30am – 12 noon Prayer Group at 20 Major Aiken Drive
Sun 15 Sep 2.30pm Rustle of Spring Concert, with Tim Emerson and
David M?ller-Cajar. Door sales only
$14 Adults; $10 unwaged.