Sunday 8 December 2013


A week ago we began our Advent journey by lighting
the Candle of Hope; a hope expressed by the prophets
and continued in the hearts of God’ s people.
We light the Candle of Hope again this morning
as we too wait in hope.

Today we also light the Candle of Peace,
as our world longs for justice and peace.

God, you call us to live in loving relationship
with the world and all who share it with us.
We pray for peace and happiness for all people
wherever they may be.



CAROL: Once in Royal David’s City
Once in royal David’s city
stood a lowly cattle shed
where a mother laid her baby
in a manger for his bed:
Mary was that mother mild,
Jesus Christ her little child.

He came down to earth from heaven
who, with God, is over all,
and his shelter was a stable,
and his cradle was a stall;
There among the poor and lowly
lived on earth our Saviour holy. C/A


CAROL: Away in a Manger
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head;
the stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay,
the little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay.

The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
but little Lord Jesus no crying he makes,
I love you, Lord Jesus; look down from on high,
and stay by my side until morning is nigh.

Be near me Lord Jesus; I ask you to stay
close by me for ever, and love me I pray.
Bless all the dear children in your tender care,
and fit us for heaven, to live with you there.


CAROL: Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new born King;
peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!
Joyful all ye nations, rise,
join the triumph of the skies;
With th’angelic host proclaim,
Christ is born in Bethlehem.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King.

Hail, the heaven born Prince of Peace!
Hail, the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all he brings,
risen with healing in his wings.
Mild he lays his glory by,
Born that we no more may die;
born to raise us from the earth,
born to give us second birth:
Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King.


CAROL: O Come all Ye Faithful
O come, all ye faithful,
Joyful and triumphant,
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold him
Born the King of angels;
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord.

Sing choirs of angels,
Sing in exultation,
Sing, all ye citizens of heaven above,
“Glory to God in the highest”:
O come, let us adore him… C/A

Gift giving, God, we thank you for all your gifts
And especially for the gift of Jesus.
May these gifts we bring
help make his love known in the world. Amen



CAROL: Silent Night, Holy Night
Silent night, holy night:
all is calm, all is bright
round yon virgin mother and child:
holy infant so tender and mild,
sleep in heavenly peace,
sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night:
shepherds quake at the sight;
glory streams from heaven afar,
heavenly hosts sing “Alleluia;
Christ the Saviour is born,
Christ the Saviour is born.”

Silent night, holy night:
wondrous star, lend your light;
with the angels let us sing
Alleluia to our King;
Jesus, Lord, at your birth,
Jesus, Lord, at your birth. C/A

May the God of the stable
help us to see the wonder of Christmas:
the wonder of children who can hardly wait,
the wonder of Mary and Joseph who feel
the power of God’s love,
the wonder of the shepherds who hear the Good News,
the wonder of Magi who kneel and offer their gifts,
the wonder of the ages
that God would come in such a simple birth. Amen.

PLEASE NOTE: Next Sunday’s service is at 10am, followed by a shared lunch.

BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 8th Eleanor; Thu 12th Richard; Fri 13th Deborah.

A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea and the Congregational meeting after the service.

FIRESIDE wishes to thank all parishioners who helped make last week’s stall so successful with their contributions, and also a big thank you to all the purchasers! We raised $860 on the day.

CWS Appeal Week 2: Peace. In Palestine, water is only part of the long and disputed history of a land where peace is but an echo. In the dry summer months when Israel turns off the taps, water is delivered by tankers that navigate the military checkpoints which hinder daily life. Without peace and control over the West Bank’s own water there is only one alternative – water tanks. The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees is helping families build water tanks and share the possibility of peace.

FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session TOMORROW 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. Helpers always welcome. Lyndsey 388 1264.

READERS REQUIRED FOR CAROL SERVICE 22nd December 9am. Please sign up today.

OPEN HOUSE AT THE MANSE: Sunday 15th December from 2pm. Please pop in and enjoy a chat as you are able. All are welcome. Chris.

GIFTS FOR WALTHAM COTTAGE: Next Sunday is your last opportunity to bring along gifts. Please DO NOT wrap them. Gifts are required for men, women, teenagers and younger children. Baking is also very welcome. Thank you for your support.

WEDNESDAY WALKERS 11th December: Meet at The Store, Tai Tapu at 10.30am (note time). End of Year brunch at 11.30am. June 332 8874.

CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am-12 noon in the Lounge at Beckenham Methodist. New faces welcome ?. $3 per session. This week is the final session for 2013. Craft will resume on Thursday 16th January. Beverley 332 7786.

On Sunday 15th December there will be a basket in the entrance to the Church with Christmas symbols in it. You are invited to take one away and write a short prayer or the names of friends and loved ones who have passed away. We ask you to bring them with you to Church on the 22nd and you will be given an opportunity to hang them on the tree and light a candle in remembrance during the service. Worship Committee.

Christmas Event at Beckenham Primary School, Sandwich Rd on Wednesday 11th December 5.30 – 7.00pm. Carols, a Christmas Play & BBQ. Input from lots of different churches as well as Beckenham & Thorrington Schools. Everyone Welcome.

HUB NEWS: This week’s information is displayed in the Lounge.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon and Friday 9-11am. Phone 332 6192 or email Please ensure Anna has any notices by 8am Thursday.
The Office will close on Friday 20th December, and re-open on 23rd January 2014.

FROM CASSIE: The community development focus group has been having some exciting conversations and developments, particularly around creative ways of brightening up the St Martin’s site to be more engaged with the local community. There are many other ideas to develop still though! Coming in to the new year, if you are at all interested in learning more about community development and contributing to the discussions and process we’ve started on – we’d love to hear from you!
We meet fortnightly at the moment.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you are interested or have any questions at: or 022 0797528

Christmas & Beyond:
22 December 9.00 am Carol Service (includes
an Act of Remembrance and opportunity to light a
candle in memory of family members or friends)
24 December 7.30 pm Christmas Eve Service
(Beckenham Methodist Service at 11.30 pm)
25 December 9.30 am Combined Christmas Service

10.00 am Combined Services on:
29th Dec, 5th , 12th , & 19th January

26 January 9.00 am Morning Worship

Please note the changes in service times during December/January
Services return to normal on the 26th January.

Hub Activities for the week 8th – 15th December

St James’ Presbyterian Church
Sun 8 Dec 10am Celebration service for 50th anniversary of the opening of the new church building. Communion and lunch.
Mon 9 Dec 7pm Craft Group in church lounge
7pm Men’s Muster in hall lounge
Tues 10 Dec Last Little Kidz Music for year
Wed 11 Dec 2pm Midweek Communion at Whareora, Athelston St
Fri 13 Dec 4.30pm Friday Kidz

St Martin’s Presbyterian Church
NB: all events at Beckenham Methodist, Malcolm Ave, unless otherwise specified.
Sun 8 Dec 9am Morning Worship & Children’s Play and congregational meeting
Mon 9 Dec 1-4pm Foot Clinic. Lyndsey 388 1264
Wed 11 Dec 10.30am Walking Group last meeting for year. Note time.
5.30-7.00pm Christmas Event at Beckenham School. All welcome.
Thu 12 Dec 10am-12noon Crafty Crafters’ last session for 2013. Resumes 16th January.
Sun 15 10am (note time) Combined Service with Beckenham Methodist: “I’m Dreaming of a Hot Christmas” followed by a shared lunch.

Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church
Mon 9 Dec 9.30am & 10.40am Tai Chi for seniors in lounge. Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Tue 10 Dec 10.00am Mainly Music. Eleanor 960 4824
Wed 11 Dec 10.00 am Craft Group. Linda 322 4437
7.00 pm Scottish Country Dancing. David 322 7954
Thur 12 Dec 9.30am &10.40am Tai Chi for seniors in lounge. Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Fri 13 Dec 7.00pm Lift Youth Group. Matt 027 3890000

Cashmere Hills Presbyterian Church
Sun 8 Dec 10.00am Family Christmas Service, followed by BBQ
Mon 9 Dec 9.30am Pre-School Music. Anna 331 6252
Thur 12 Dec 10.30am – 12 noon Prayer Group at 20 Major Aiken Drive
7.30pm Choir Practice
Sun 15 Dec 10.00am Service of Christmas Music with the Choir
6.00pm Carols in the Garden – 1 Macmillan Avenue, commencing with a sausage sizzle. In Church if wet.
Mon 16 Dec 2.00pm Foot Clinic
Tues 17 Dec 9.30am Foot Clinic – phone office for appointments