St Martins Presbyterian Parish
7 September 2014 ~ Celebrating the Season
A SPRING POEM ~ Jessie Robb
There’s a warming in the air!
Colour’s coming everywhere!
On our faces, smiles appear!
Looking out light clothes to wear!
Birds are singing in the trees.
Wind is whispering in the leaves.
Sunshine sparkles on the sea.
Children from indoors set free,
run about and shout with glee!
New-born lambs a joy to see.
Gardeners, happy in the sun.
Spring is here, new life has come.
Promise, hope for everyone,
with the resurrection One. © John Hunt (Printed with permission)
HYMN: There’s Beauty All Around Us (Tune: WOV 565)
There’s beauty all around us, above and on the ground.
creation gives a message, breathtaking and profound.
Loving God, we worship you
for the wonders you have made.
The sea and clouds at sunset, rich colours spreading wide
in glory through the heavens and on the rising tide.
The mystery of the mountains, far off and rising high,
the twinkling stars at nightfall, cascading down the sky.
There’s beauty all around us, if we have eyes to see,
the wonders in creation, unlimited and free. (June Gibson)
CHILDREN’S SONG: The Sheep Need the Grass
The sheep need the grass, the grass needs the earth,
Ev’rything needs each other.
The fish need the stream, the stream needs the rain,
Ev’rything needs each other.
The bird needs the worm, the worm needs the soil,
Ev’rything needs each other.
The crab needs the tide, the tide needs the Moon,
Ev’rything needs each other.
We all need the grain, the grain needs the Sun,
Ev’rything needs each other.
We all share Earth’s life, a wonderful web,
Gift of the God of all life. © W L Wallace
READINGS: From Psalm 65 ~ John Shanks
Mark 4: 1- 2, 26-29
HYMN: A Rabbi Scattered Hope Like Seeds (Tune: Forest Green
A rabbi scattered hope like seeds WOV 240 )
beneath a desert sky;
he knew in every waking plant
a sacred force would rise
to break the ground, to reach for life,
to search with leaf and root,
and draw the strength of earth and sky
to bear the promised fruit.
The rabbi saw the desert bloom,
the Eden of his prayer:
a garden ripe with hope and life
and also ripe for care.
“So come,” he says, “my friends with me
to tend, to sing, to plod:
the earth cries out to celebrate
the greening love of God.” © Michael Hudson, used with permission
REFLECTION: The Creation as Sacrament
HYMN: Touch the Earth Lightly (Tune: Bunessan WOV 91)
Touch the earth lightly,
use the earth gently,
nourish the life of the world in our care:
gift of great wonder,
ours to surrender,
trust for the children tomorrow will bear.
Let there be greening,
birth from the burning,
water that blesses and air that is sweet,
health in God’s garden,
hope in God’s children,
regeneration that peace will complete.
God of all living,
God of all loving,
God of the seedling, the snow and the sun,
teach us, deflect us,
Christ re-connect us,
using us gently and making us one. © Shirley Murray (AA)
Loving God, you created all things… promised to be with us forever.
Despite all you have done for us, we complained
and were ungrateful. Your people have not learned to share.
Instead of rejoicing in the differences among people,
difference has been used as an excuse to put others down,
to insult them, to take things from them, and to mistreat them.
You gave us your commandments… said that everyone was welcome.
Yet the very night that he celebrated the Passover
with his closest friends, they betrayed him,
denied knowing him and left him to die on a cross.
But you raised him to new life,
and he invited us back to the table
where we are forgiven, fed, and sent out
to proclaim the good news: “Jesus lives for all people.”
You remind us….
HYMN: God Who Carved This Timeless Landscape (Tune:Hyfrydol
God who carved this timeless landscape, WOV 148)
Snow-clad ridge to valley plain,
power of surging race and river,
limestone crag and scarred terrain;
Maker still of earth, fire, water,
artistry of sight and sound,
Southern lights and sunset splendour,
raise our eyes and you are found.
Calendar of nature’s balance,
rhythms of the farming year,
shearing, milking, ploughing, pruning,
Manger setting ever near!
Lonely struggles in the byways,
nor’west dust or snow and flood,
fellowship of tears and laughter:
Lord, with you, we’re understood.
Giving thanks for those before us,
village life and tussock track,
as we turn to face the future,
history’s wind upon our back;
scattered are our congregations,
each now shares in ministry,
bonding strength of work together:
spirit of community. © Doug Grierson (FFS)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.
FOOTCARE CLINIC: Next Session TOMORROW 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist.
BECKENHAM LOOP QUIZ NIGHT Tuesday 23rd September 7.30 – 9.00pm at Beckenham Methodist, hosted by St Martin’s Presbyterian. Come along with a team of 5 or 6. Have fun and win some fun prizes! Nibbles and hot drinks provided. $2 entry fee per person. Please enter your team by 15 September – phone Anna on 332 6192 or email the Office (please indicate number of people in your team and leave a contact name). Be in quick – places are limited!
QUIZ NIGHT ASSISTANCE REQUIRED: If you have a card table we could borrow, please let Anna know. For those persons not able to be there on the night, donations for prizes would be gratefully received – please give these to Lyndsey or Irene.
THE PARISH REVIEW by the Presbytery will be on Wednesday 17th September. There is an opportunity for members of the congregation to meet with the team (Revs Nancy Jean Whitehead, Sheena Dickson & Mr Charles Manning) between 4 – 5pm in the Lounge at Beckenham Methodist. Please come and share your thoughts on the life of the Parish. Review Questionnaires need to be completed by next Sunday please.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 10th September: Meet 9.30am cnr Marriner St & The Esplanade for a stroll around Sumner. Coffee at Joe’s Garage. Judith 332 1577.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am – 12noon in the lounge at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. New faces always welcome. Beverley 332 7786.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Contact June 332 8874 for details.
INTER-FAITH JOURNEYING seminar Saturday 18th October: please sign the list if you are interested in attending.
FIX-IT JOBS: We can help with small jobs around your home/property. Please contact the Office for details.
NEW READERS’ ROSTER out today – please check to see if there’s a copy for you.
Beckenham-St Martins Guess Who is Coming to Lunch Event
Sunday 28 September 12.30pm
It has been decided to hold a combined event to help us get to know each other better.
Guests pay $5 to the Host to cover expenses. Hosts are asked to provide a simple lunch and can indicate how many Guests they would like.
Feel free to put your name on both the Host and the Guest list if you are happy to be either. Lists will be in the Lounge.
Guests will be handed an envelope with directions to their Host’s home at the morning service on 28 September.
THE PARISH OFFICE HOURS are Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon & Fri 9-11am. 332 6192 or email, or pop in to 7 Wilsons Rd.
THIS WEEK’S HUB REPORT is displayed on the wall in the Lounge.
Hub Activities for the week 7th-14th September 2014
St James’ Presbyterian Church
Mon 8 Sept 7.00pm Craft Group meet in the church lounge
Sun 14 Sept Quarterly Communion led by Bruce Hansen.
Lunch to follow. Please bring a plate of food to share
5.00pm Ecumenical Spring Service at Sacred Heart Church,
Spencer Street. Cup of Tea to follow the service.
Tue 23 Sept St Martins Parish Quiz Night, Beckenham Methodist
CWS Supporters’ Council Situation Update: Middle East
Saturday 27th September at Knox Lounge 2 to 3.30 p.m. Trish Murray will speak about her visit to Lebanon, Jordan, Jerusalem and Gaza. RSVP by 24/9 to Emma ( 366 9274 or email
St Martin’s Presbyterian Church
All events at Beckenham Methodist, 83 Malcolm Ave, unless otherwise specified
Sun 7 Sept 9am Spring Flower Service & Communion
Mon 8 Sept 1-4pm Foot Clinic. Judith 332 1577
Tue 9 Sept 7.30pm Indoor Bowls. Salvation Army. Southampton St. Bruce 332 7786.
Wed 10 Sept 9.30am Walking Group. ph June 3328874 for destination
Thu 11 Sept 10am-12noon Crafty Crafters. $3. Beverley 332 7786
Sun 14 Sept 9am Morning Worship – celebrating Hospital Ministries.
Tuesday 23rd September 7.30 – 9.00pm at Beckenham Methodist.
Book Now( There are still spaces available.
Entry fee: $2 per person. All are Welcome.
Hoon Hay Presbyterian Church
Mondays: 9.30 am & 10.40am Tai Chi. Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Tuesdays: 10.00 am mainly music @ Hoon Hay. Eleanor 960 4824
Wednesdays: 8.00 – 11.00am Vege Co-op. Shilo 338 3943
10.00 am Craft Group. Linda 322 4437
1.00 pm West Spreydon Ladies Indoor Bowls. Sheila 960 4412
7.00 pm Scottish Country Dancing. David 322 7954
Thursdays: 9.30 am & 10.40am Tai Chi. Brian 338 6228
7.30 pm Spreydon Indoor Bowls. Pat 353 0265
Fridays: 7.00 pm LIFT – Youth programme. Matt 027 389 0000
Saturdays: 9.00am – 12.00pm Ballet Group. Suzie 338 1017
Cashmere Hills Presbyterian Church
Mon 8 Sept 2.00pm Foot Clinic } phone office (3327129)
9.30am Pre-School Music group.Anna 331 6252
Tues 9 Sept 9.30am Foot Clinic } for appointments
Wed 10 Sept 10.00am Forum – discuss last Sunday’s Readings. All Welcome
Thurs 11 Sept 10.30am Prayer Group at 1 Dalefield Drive