* Session Report
On this day as we gather with our brothers and sisters to
celebrate God’s gifts;
we hear the call to refresh our hearts and minds,
and to receive strength for our tasks.
On this day we remember the rich tapestry of our nation
and the blessings we share as peoples together.
We open our hearts to celebrate all that is good,
and commit to working for life-giving opportunities for all.
HYMN: All the Wonder That Surrounds Us
All the wonder that surrounds us
springs from God’s care:
all that marvels or confounds us,
raw, rich or rare;
touch and texture, sights and voices,
nature’s countless forms and choices:
all for which the heart rejoices
springs from God’s care.
Every creature, every human
lives by God’s grace:
every family, man and woman,
culture and race;
those whom fortune seems to favour,
those exploited for their labour,
those who need to know a neighbour
live by God’s grace.
God has willed that peace and justice
walk hand in hand.
These, with love, shall build foundations
on which we’ll stand:
love for lover, friend and stranger,
love defying death and danger,
love as first born in a manger –
heaven close at hand. © Iona Community (Wild Goose)
… ask your forgiveness for the times we have fallen short:
For opportunities not taken, for care not given,
Forgive us we pray.
For sorrow not shared, for joy not celebrated,
Forgive us we pray.
For love not offered, forgiveness not extended,
Forgive us we pray.
For those failings we cannot speak aloud,
Forgive us, we pray…
STORY-TIME: Tarore’s Story
HYMN: Lord of Earth and All Creation (Tune: Westminster Abbey WOV 343ii)
Lord of earth and all creation,
let your love possess our land:
wealth, and freedom, far horizons,
mountain, forest, shining sand:
may we share, in faith and friendship,
gifts unmeasured from your hand.
People of the tangata whenua,
they who found this country first,
ask with those, the later comers,
will our dream be blessed or cursed?
Grant us, Lord, new birth, new living,
hope for which our children thirst.
Lord, life-giving healing Spirit,
on our hurts your mercy shower;
lead us by your inward dwelling,
guiding, guarding, every hour.
Bless and keep our land New Zealand:
in your will her peace and power. © M R Thwaites (TIS)
READINGS: Psalm 144: 9-15 Barry Moore
Matthew 6: 19-24 Hilary Moore
SERMON: Celebrate, say yes to life
HYMN: Land of Shining Primal Forests (Tune: Austria WOV 374)
Land of shining primal forests,
sculptured ribbon framed by sea;
land of mystic snow-clad markers
charged with raw vitality;
valleys wreathed in mists of morning,
earth caressed by sparkling light,
gift of God, our awesome homeland,
signed with nature’s cross by night.
Sing each race’s different story,
sing their hopes and sing their needs.
Let the Treaty write our story,
frame our vows and shape our deeds.
Bid the people sit at table,
share their joy and share their pain;
join in Covenant and banquet,
break the bread and break the chains.
To the Nation’s patterned weaving
we have brought our vibrant threads –
gifts of language, gifts of custom,
precious gifts of heart and head.
Let us name our river, mountain,
make this soil our spirits’ earth,
find the Christ in land and people,
bring God’s tender dream to birth.
Dream our country’s future pathway,
shape that journey day by day;
use our forebears founding wisdom,
share the power and share the praise.
Then beyond our present struggles,
festive joys and lurking fears,
nation – building based on justice
shall empower the people’s prayers. © Bill Wallace (Singing the Circle Book 1)
These are gifts of love that we bring to you, God:
gifts to grow our congregation in ministry and mission;
gifts to grow in compassion, that people who are hurting
will find caring support and comfort;
gifts to promote justice, that all in our communities may share
the fruits of this land.
Bless these offerings, that they may be gifts offering your newness
and life, in the name of Jesus Christ, your gift of love. AMEN.
HYMN: These Hills Where the Hawk Flies Lonely
These hills where the hawk flies lonely,
beaches where the long surf rolls,
mountains where the snows meet heaven,
these are our care.
Pastures where the sheep graze calmly,
orchards where the apples grow,
gardens where the roses cluster,
these are our prayer.
Forests where the tree ferns tower,
rivers running strong and clear,
oceans where the great whales wander,
these are our care.
Race meeting race as equals,
justice for age-old wrong,
worth for every man and woman,
these are our prayer.
Cities where the young roam restless,
lives brought to deep despair,
homeless and powerless people,
these are our care.
Places where the Word is spoken,
hands held in serving love,
faiths of our many cultures,
these are our prayer.
All that the old world gave us,
all that the new world brings,
language, ideas and customs,
these are our care.
Life finding joy and value,
faith seeking truth and light,
God heard and seen in all things,
this be our prayer.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.
‘MESSENGER’: Last chance to contribute! Give articles etc to Anneke TODAY.
PARISH REVIEW REPORT now available. If you borrow a copy to read, please return it promptly.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 11th February: Meet 9.30am Westlake Reserve, Westlake Drive, Halswell for a leisurely walk. All welcome to join us or for coffee. Coffee at Old Vicarage. Judith 332 1577.
APW Wednesday 11th February 9.45am at St James’ Barrington St. Margaret Good will be speaking about the years she and husband Ted worked in the South American slums. There will be a Sales Table. We look forward to seeing you there. Allison 374 6673.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.
COMBINED LENTEN STUDY: Chris will be leading a four week study series on Monday mornings in Lent. Please sign the clipboard in the Lounge if you are interested. Contact her on 331 6501 for more information.
SUMMER OF FUN Day Saturday 28th February 1.30 – 4.30pm, Holliss Reserve, Cashmere. Bring your family and friends along.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 6th March 7.30pm at Beckenham Methodist Church.
ST MARTINS VOLUNTEER LIBRARY & COMMUNITY FACILITY REBUILD: The Council is gathering information on potential uses for a multiuse facility on the corner of Wades Ave & Wilsons Rd (old Library site). Forms will be available in the foyer TODAY. Make sure you have your say.
COURT THEATRE “Le Sud” – a comedy starring Mark Hadlow. Thursday 9th April 6.30pm. Tickets $42 each. Please sign the clipboard in the Lounge if you would like to come. Payment (in a named envelope) required by Sunday 1st March. Sue 960 7657.
BOYS’ BRIGADE at Beckenham Methodist is seeking new members. Anchor (5-7 yrs) & Team Adventure (8-10yrs) meet on a Thursday night. Company Xtreme for 11-19 year olds meets on a Friday. Sam 981 3529 or Stephen 337 2296. info@14thbb.org.nz. Accept the Challenge!
RETIRED BUILDER available to do gardening and light building work. Phone Barry Houston 332 4730.
BECKENHAM METHODIST “A” FELLOWSHIP MEAL INVITATION: held in the church lounge at Beckenham Methodist Church on the third Saturday of each month at 6.30pm.
It consists of a shared meal and a programme to follow. Come and join with us, it is a good way to get to know each other, and enjoy our time together.
Phone Pam Milne on 332 1055 for further details. Look forward to seeing you there.
FOOT CLINIC: Next Session Monday 16th March 1-4pm. New volunteers always welcome – on the job training provided. Lyndsey 388 1264.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon; Fri 9-11am. Pop in and visit at 7 Wilsons Rd. Phone 332 6192. Email: stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Website: www.stmartins.org.nz. Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am every Thursday.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Wed 11th William; Fri 13th Margot.