God of grace: we know you and we do not know you:
you promise your presence yet you are mystery.
You know us and you understand us:
you love us and you call us on to a greater truth.
You welcome us and you live in us:
you are both within and entirely other.
We look for you in one another:
we look for you in our midst as we gather in Christ’s name.
HYMN: Christ is Alive and the Universe Must Celebrate
Christ is alive, and the universe must celebrate,
and the stars and the suns shout in this Eastertide!
Christ is alive, and his family must celebrate
in a great alleluia,
a great alleluia
to praise the power that made the stone roll away.
Here is our hope: in the mystery of suffering
is the heartbeat of Love, Love that will not let go,
here is our hope, that in God we are not separate,
and we sing alleluia,
we sing alleluia
to praise the power that made the stone roll away.
Christ Spirit, dance through the dullness of humanity
to the music of God, God who has set us free!
You are the pulse of the new creation’s energy;
with a great alleluia,
a great alleluia
we praise the power that made the stone roll away. © Shirley Murray (AA)
LEARN May the God of Hope (Final Hymn)
SONG: I’ve Got a Rhythm for Jesus
I’ve got a rhythm for Jesus, I’ve got a rhythm for him.
I’ve got a rhythm for Jesus, I’ve got a rhythm for him
Sweet Spirit make my life to shine with the glory of the Lord.
O Spirit, make my face to glow with the joy that I feel,
for I know that he’s real.
I’ve got a rhythm for Jesus, I’ve got a rhythm for him
I’ve got a rhythm for Jesus, I’ve got a rhythm for him
I’ve got a rhythm for him, I’ve got a rhythm for him! ©Heather Campbell
READINGS: Ephesians 1: 15-23 Tony Blackler
Luke 24: 44-53 Anneke Howie
SERMON: Knowing the Power of Christ
HYMN: Tell My People I Love Them
Tell my people I love them;
tell my people that I care.
When they feel far away from me,
tell my people I am there.
Tell my people I came and died
to give them liberty;
as they abide in me
they will be really free!
Tell my people where-e’er they go
to claim my risen power;
my peace and joy and love
is for them hour by hour.
Tell my people to share their wealth
and fight the sin of greed;
care for the refugee;
the hungry they’re to feed.
Tell my people throughout the world
to strive for peace today,
show love for enemies,
by servants of the Way. © Gospel Publishing House © Guy Jansen (AA)
THE OFFERING: God, creative and caring, just and giving,
accept the gifts we bring; to create, to care, to free, to promote justice, and to share your goodness with the world, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
HYMN: May the God of Hope
May the God of hope go with us every day,
filling all our lives with love and joy and peace.
May the God of justice speed us on our way,
bringing light and hope to every land and race.
Praying, let us work for peace;
singing, share our joy with all;
working for a world that’s new,
faithful when we hear Christ’s call.
May the God of healing free the earth from fear,
freeing us for peace, both treasured and pursued.
May the God of love keep our commitment clear
to a world restored, to human life renewed. v.2 © Hope Publishing (VU)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.
FAMILY GAMES NIGHT TONIGHT 5 – 7.30 p.m. Beckenham Church Lounge. Bring your own tea and a favourite game. Drinks provided. All are welcome.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a combined service at 10am on Sunday 31st May.
CAN YOU HELP? The Worship committee would like to borrow any ornamental wooden or tin pukekos you may have for Pentecost next Sunday.
CHRIS’ LAST SUNDAY 28TH JUNE: A lunch has been organised at the Cashmere Club at 12.30pm. $33 per head. Please put your name on the list if you wish to attend (see Allison). Payment to be made on the day at the Club. We hope as many as possible will be able to attend. The list will be available for the next three weeks or ring Allison 332 0554.
SESSION meets this Wednesday 20th May in the Beckenham Methodist Lounge.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 20th May: Ilam/Fendalton “new” streets and “new” café! Catch the Orbiter to bus stop in Ilam Rd, just before Memorial Ave (2 stops past the University). Bus departs PMH 9.06am or Barrington 9.12am. Coffee at L B & Co, cnr Creyke & Ilam Roads. Sonya 339 7038.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge. $3 per session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.
CEILIDH: Saturday 6th June 2015 St Martins School Hall 7 – 10.30pm.
Everyone is welcome. It will be a great night of fun, dance etc. Spread the word. Bring your family and friends, and cash to purchase jams and pickles for your pantry.
A fundraiser for the Link Building. Tickets $15 each or $40 a family. See Anneke or Irene.
CARING & SHARING: Wednesday 27th May 2pm, Beckenham Methodist Lounge. We’d love to see everyone – old, young, even in between! Irene 332 7306.
FOOT CLINIC: Next Session Monday 15th June 1-4pm. Phone Judith 332 1577 to book.
Ecumenical Service for the Observance of the Week for Christian Unity Wednesday 20th May at 7pm at the Transitional Cathedral. All are most welcome to attend.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon and Fri 9-11am. Phone 332 6192 or email stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Pop in and say hello – 7 Wilsons Rd (at the rear of the St Anne’s site near the sandpit). Please ensure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday each week. Keep an eye on the website: www.stmartins.org.nz
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Fri 22nd: Jennifer, Judith.