A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.
Winter Combined services at 10.00am continue until 16th August.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 8th July: Meet 9.30am at the Wigram Air Force Museum Carpark, Harvard Ave for a walk around some of the new housing area. Coffee will be at The Air Force Museum Café. All Welcome. Judith 332 1577.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am – 12 noon in the Lounge. $3 a session. New faces are always welcome ?. Beverley 332 7786.
The Ministry Settlement Board, made up of three members from Presbytery and six from the congregation, is given the task to discern the type of leadership and ministry appropriate for a congregation in the event of a ministerial vacancy and to make appropriate recommendations to the Session, congregation and the Presbytery. There are a range of options: Nationally Ordained Minister, Local ordained, Local ministry team, Amorangi, Stated supply, Transition ministry or KCML intern (ministry student under supervision).
The MSB has met twice and discussed at length the unique situation and characteristics of the St Martin’s parish. A significant amount of good work is conducted in this community in the name of Christ, and this in spite of being ‘homeless’. We are keen to see this continue and built upon so that a thriving faith community be maintained in this part of Christchurch.
I am very aware of the anxiety a ministry vacancy can produce in a congregation and want to assure you that we are working diligently through the required process to ensure the best possible outcome for St Martin’s and its future mission. Many will want to know when this will be completed. That is impossible to say as it is determined by so many factors. I would simply ask that you be patient and pray for us.
Yours in Christ’s service,
Rev Brent Richardson, Ministry Settlement Board Convener.
Alpine Presbytery newsletter is on the board in the Lounge.
ANNUAL REPORTS NOW DUE: If you convene a Parish Group or committee, please submit an Annual Report to the Office by 23rd July.
NEW SUNDAY READERS’ ROSTER available today – please check to see if there is a copy for you. Anna.
FIX-IT JOBS: If you need assistance with any little jobs around your home or property, please contact the Office (332 6192). We have people who can help.
ST MARTIN’S PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Wed & Thurs 9am-12noon and Fri 9-11am. Phone 332 6192 or email stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Website: www.stmartins.org.nz
PLEASE NOTE: Anna will be on leave from 9 – 15 July inclusive. Any notices for Sunday 12th July need to be sent to the Office by 9am THIS Wednesday please.
St Martin’s 2016 Calendars $20 each. Please support this opportunity to contribute to the Link Building fundraising. Rob & Barbara Meier 379 1474.
INSPIRING MISSION Saturday 1st August Hope Church, Hornby. Workshops 10am – 4pm, followed by an evening of inspiration and encouragement (7pm start). See the poster in the Lounge for details. To register, email alpinepresoffice@gmail.com. All are welcome.
AN INVITATION: Rev David Coster is retiring from Parish Ministry on Sunday 2nd August. Cashmere Presbyterian Church extends an invitation to attend his final service at 10am followed by a farewell lunch. Please RSVP for catering purposes to cashmere.church@xtra.co.nz or phone 332 7129.