God gave us the creation to enjoy, with rolling landscapes of delight, with wonders of earth and sea and endless discoveries of beauty.
God made us in infinite diversity with all the vivid colours of our differences, the marvel of our gifts and skills to be explored and celebrated.
HYMN: Come You Thankful People Come (Tune: St George’s Windsor)
Come, you thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest-home:
all is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin;
God, our Maker, will provide for our needs to be supplied:
come to God’s own temple, come; raise the song of harvest-home.
All this world is God’s own field, bearing fruit his praise to yield;
wheat and tares together sown, are to joy or sorrow grown;
first the blade and then the ear, then the full corn shall appear:
Lord of harvest, grant that we wholesome grain and pure may be.
For the Lord our God shall come, and shall take his harvest home; from his field shall in that day all offences purge away;
give his angels charge at last in the fire the tares to cast,
but the fruitful ears to store in his storehouse evermore.
Even so, Lord, quickly come; bring your final harvest home:
gather all your people in, free from sorrow, free from sin;
there, for ever purified, in your presence to abide:
come, with all your angels come, raise the glorious harvest-home! C/A
SONG: YouTube clip ~ Harvest Samba (on screen)
BIBLE READING: Matt 13:24-30 Parable of the Weeds
Joan Macdonald
MEDITATION: Audrey Dunnachie
HYMN: We Plough the Fields and Scatter (Tune: Wir Pflugen)
We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land,
but is fed and watered by God’s almighty hand;
he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain,
the breezes and the sunshine and soft refreshing rain.
All good gifts around us are sent from heaven above;
then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord, for all his love.
He only is the Maker of all things near and far;
he paints the wayside flower, he lights the evening star;
the winds and waves obey him, by him the birds are fed;
much more to us, his children, he gives our daily bread…
We thank you then, O Father, for all things bright and good,
the seed-time and the harvest, our life, our health, our food.
Accept the gifts we offer for all your love imparts,
with what we know you long for: our humble, thankful hearts… C/A
HYMN: Praise God for the Harvest (Tune: St Denio)
Praise God for the harvest of orchard and field,
praise God for the people who gather their yield,
the long hours of labour, the skills of a team,
the patience of science, the power of machine.
Praise God for the harvest that comes from afar,
from market and harbour, the sea and the shore:
foods packed and transported, and gathered and grown
by God-given neighbours, unseen and unknown.
Praise God for the harvest that’s quarried and mined,
then sifted, and smelted, or shaped and refined;
for oil and for iron, for copper and coal,
praise God, who in love has provided them all.
Praise God for the harvest of science and skill,
the urge to discover, create and fulfil:
for dreams and inventions that promise to gain
a future more hopeful, a world more humane.
Praise God for the harvest of mercy and love,
from leaders and peoples who struggle and serve
with patience and kindness, that all may be led
to freedom and justice, and all may be fed. ©Brian Wren (CH4)
May your roots go deep into God’s marvellous love;
may you grow day by day in his blessing.
For God so loved the world he gave His only Son to show us his Father’s love.
How long, how wide, how deep, how high;
how steadfast, enduring his love really is.
O may Christ dwell in you so you may know his love,
and the fullness of God be yours.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Wed 13th John E; Sat 16th Mavis.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service. Many thanks to Audrey Dunnachie and the Worship committee for leading our worship today.
Thanks to all those who have donated goods to stock the pantry at Waltham Cottage.
MISSION MOMENT next Sunday: Barbara will update us on Your Sisters Orphanage.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 13th April: Meet 9.30am in Annex Rd near Lincoln Rd. We will walk through Linden Grove and along to Lyttelton St, where we will visit the Garden Valley to view the Ultra Marine: Paintings by Jane Thomas and Denise Nicholls. Coffee at Caffeine, in the Hillmorton shops between Cappell Pl and Hoon Hay Rd. All are welcome. Sonya 339 7038.
BOARD OF MANAGERS meets THIS Wednesday 13th April 7.30pm in the Lounge.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am-12 noon in the Lounge. $3.
ALPINE PRESBYTERY newsletter is on the noticeboard in the Lounge.
ANZAC DAY SERVICE: 25th April 10am at St Anne’s Church. All are welcome.
PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192. Email:stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Website:www.stmartins.org.nz. Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.
WANTED: storage for some cartons containing items for our next church sale. Please see Rosalie Sterritt 981 1819 if you can help.
MEN’S GROUP will commence for the year on THURSDAY 2ND JUNE – 6 pm at Merchiston, St Martins Rd. A plate for a shared tea, a time of chat and then a speaker. All men are welcome. Please note the change of start date.
If you have ideas for a speaker or a site visit please contact Tony – 332 0554.
COURT THEATRE “Educating Rita” Thursday 16th June 6.30pm. $45. Sign the clipboard if you would like to go. Payment to Sue by 8th May please.
FOR SALE: Homemade jams, sauces, pickles. Please support this fundraising venture for St Martin’s – much better than buying from the supermarket!
PARENTING ROADSHOW: Monday 9th May “Raising happy, confident and resilient children” 7.30-9.00pm at Grace Vineyard Beach campus. $5 entry fee.
Thursday 12th May “Growing Great Relationships” 7.30-9.00pm at Riccarton High School.$15 per couple. To book: go to www.theparentingplace.com or ph 379 6053.