Sacrament of Holy Communion
WELCOME: Tena Koutou Katoa. Welcome.
CALL TO WORSHIP (©Dorothy McRae-McMahon):
The transforming winds of creative life
are but the breath of God.
The presence of flames of justice and love
are the graceful signs of Christ.
The flights of freedom in movements of truth
are the joyful life in the Spirit.
We celebrate this day and the signs of God in our midst.
HYMN: God Who Sets Us on a Journey (Tune: Hyfrydol)
God who sets us on a journey to discover, dream and grow.
Lead us as you led your people in the desert long ago.
Journey inward, journey outward, stir the spirit, stretch the mind;
Love, for God and self and neighbour,
marks the way that Christ defined.
Exploration brings new insights, changes, choices we must face;
Give us wisdom in deciding, mindful always of your grace;
Should we stumble, lose our bearings, find it hard to know what’s right, we regain our true direction focused on the Jesus light.
End our longing for the old days. Grant the vision that we lack –
once we’ve started on this journey there can be no turning back;
let us travel light, discarding excess baggage from our past.
Cherish only what’s essential, choosing treasure that will last.
When we set up camp and settle to avoid love’s risk and pain,
you disturb complacent comfort, pull the tent pegs up again;
keep us travelling in the knowledge you are always at our side.
Give us courage for the journey, Christ our goal and Christ our guide.
©Joy Dine
1 Kings 17: 8-16 Audrey Dunnachie
Elijah miraculously provides a meal for a poor widow and then goes on to raise her son to life.
Luke 7:11-17 Jesus raises a widow’s son Anneke Howie
CONVERSATION: Elijah & Jesus
REFLECTION: Signs and Wonders
HYMN: Your Hand O God Has Guided (Tune: Thornbury)
Your hand O God has guided your flock from age to age;
the wondrous tale is written full clear on every page;
our fathers owned your goodness and we their deeds record;
and both of this bear witness, one Church, one Faith, one Lord.
Your heralds brought glad tidings to greatest as to least;
they bade them rise and hasten to share the great King’s feast;
and this was all their teaching, in every deed and word.
To all alike proclaiming, one Church, one Faith, one Lord.
Through many a day of darkness, through many a scene of strife,
the faithful few fought bravely to guard the nation’s life.
Their gospel of redemption, sin pardoned, man restored,
was all in this enfolded, one Church, one Faith, one Lord.
Your mercy will not fail us, nor leave your work undone;
with your right hand to help us, the victory shall be won;
and then, by men and angels, your name shall be adored,
and this shall be our anthem, one Church, one Faith, one Lord.
©EH Plumptre (WOV 389)
OFFERING (together): Gracious God, we bring the gift of money and food to be used in your service as a sign of your love. Amen.
HYMN: An Upper Room (Tune: O Waly, Waly)
An upper room did our Lord prepare for those he loved until the end: and his disciples still gather there to celebrate their risen friend.
A lasting gift Jesus gave his own: to share his bread, his loving cup. Whatever burdens may bow us down, he by his cross shall lift us up.
And after supper he washed their feet, for service, too, is sacrament.
In him our joy shall be made complete – sent out to serve,
as he was sent. ©F Pratt Green (WOV 453)
I celebrate the church of Jesus Christ, where two or three or thousands can gather together in Christ’s name and touch this world with the amazing good news that somebody cares, that God joins us in community so that someday this world will be loved to wholeness.
I celebrate the church, where you and I and all Christ’s disciples are called upon to follow even when it costs us something; something precious.
I celebrate the church where every child of God is hailed as unique and valuable.
I celebrate injustices righted; where there is an awakening to humanity’s suffering; the pain alleviated, the scars erased.
I celebrate this way of life that takes me and mine from the centre of things and focuses on ours and theirs.
I celebrate that love lives among us, that God’s spirit pervades our being, our community.
I celebrate the unconditional love of Christ – the cross. That Christ hung there loving the unlovable. For God so loved the world… that God should love us so much, surely we should celebrate together around the table. ©Ann Weems (Reaching for Rainbows)
THE INVITATION: Jesus Christ invites each one of you to this family meal. In the bread and wine, the sign of Christ’s presence, we are united in love with God and one another.
ACCEPTANCE: I come to the table in response to the invitation of Jesus Christ, who walked among us and was human like us. I come knowing that I am freed from those things that separate me from God and one another. I come seeking healing and wholeness through Jesus Christ who gave the gift of life for us all.
SILENCE: Be still, be silent. Let God be God.
HYMN: Let us Talents and Tongues Employ (Tune: Linstead)
Let us talents and tongues employ, reaching out with a shout of joy; bread is broken, the wine is poured,
Christ is spoken and seen and heard.
Jesus lives again, earth can breathe again,
pass the Word around: loaves abound!
Christ is able to make us one; at his table he sets the tone,
teaching people to live to bless, love in word and in deed express…
Jesus calls us, sends us out bearing fruit in a world of doubt,
gives us love to tell, bread to share: God-Immanuel everywhere!… © F Kaan (WOV 658)
We go now, having committed ourselves afresh to serve Christ. We go now knowing that God goes with us, Jesus Christ being our guide and the spirit of God will empower us. May we know the freedom to seek opportunities each new day and serve with compassion, imagination and courage.
BENEDICTION: Go in peace and carry this sacrament with you into your everyday life.
SUNG GRACE (together):
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you for evermore and evermore, for evermore. Amen.
©St Aidan’s Parish, Tasmania 1973 (New Harvest)
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Many thanks to Rev Lyndsey McKay for leading our worship today.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 8th June: Meet 9.30am at Cracroft shops corner with coffee at Silverbacks. Marilyn 338 2453. All welcome.
ST JAMES’ WOMEN JOURNEYING EVENING with Helen Mulder presenting The Yellow Handbag Thursday 9th June 7.30pm.
Please phone Sonya 339 7038 if you are interested in joining the Fireside ladies attending this evening. Tickets $20.00
ALPINE PRESBYTERY newsletter is on the noticeboard in the Lounge.
PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192. Email:
Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.
QUIZ AT CASHMERE Saturday 18th June, Cashmere Presbyterian Church Centre Rata Lounge at 5pm for 5.30pm start. Pizza tea at 6.30pm followed by more quiz! $10 per person. Book a table of 6 for $55. Bring some cash for a Raffle ticket. Our Church would like to have 2 Teams – it should be a fun night. Irene Gray & Judith Mackay have tickets.
GARAGE SALE Saturday 11th June 8.30am – 12.30pm at St Mark’s Anglican Church Hall, Opawa Rd. Donations of goods to sell gratefully received (anything except electrical goods). Drop off at St Mark’s on Friday 10th between 9am & 4pm.