Refugee Sunday 3rd July 2016 9am


St Martin’s Presbyterian Parish

3 July 2016 ~ Refugee Sunday & Communion


To Receive the Life of Jesus-with-others to be our Life

N.B: This Service will follow the basic order (Approach, Listen/Reflect, Respond/Share, & Go). It will need your full participation in saying YES (Amen), or OFFERING song, silence, self…






CWS Responds to Syria

CWS is appealing for funds to help long term partner the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) respond to the needs of growing numbers of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan. They have rapidly expanded services to the new refugee communities. Funds raised in this appeal will help provide essential food, rent subsidies, school costs, hygiene and clothing supplies, and programmes like the children’s forums and Mother Support Groups. ACT Alliance members are giving practical help in Syria.

Please give generously using the envelope enclosed.



  1. Approach:  We’ll start as we would in any gathering of friends with GREETING EACH OTHER


We sing our opening hymn and begin with one central act of trust – the Life-of-Jesus-with-others:


HYMN: O Son of Man (Tune: Highwood)

O Son of Man, our hero strong and tender, whose servants are the brave in all the earth, our living sacrifice to you we render who share

in all our sorrows, all our mirth.


Your feet were strong to climb the path of duty, your lips divine taught us the words of truth, your kind eyes marked the lilies in their beauty,

your heart was kindled at the zeal of youth.


Lover of children and their inspiration, of all mankind the servant

and the king; O Lord of joy and hope and consolation,

to you our fears and joys and hopes we bring.


Not in our failures only and our sadness we seek your presence, comforter and friend; our gracious guest be with us in our gladness, companion true our lowliest tasks attend.                       F Fletcher (WOV175)



  PAUSE  – quieten – slow breathing – relax body & mind – think why

we’re here …Let’s think in silence of what we are most thankful for today … [Silence]                               … For all Your gifts –

Dear  Lord we give our thanks…

Sometimes  we realise we should acknowledge ways we ‘miss the

mark’ – let’s think in silence of ways we fall short of Jesus’ example … [Silence]

Looking at Your life with others –                                          

Dear Lord we admit we’ve failed to follow  you in our daily lives…     Receive again the warm welcome & acceptance of God, the call to follow Jesus

Dear Lord, we acknowledge your call to us that comes already in our desire to love you; and your companionship that comes already in our continuing search for you. Strengthen our desire we pray, that we may join you by our actions to build true community, to work for justice and for genuine peace.        

  1. Listening …Reflecting… on the Story Told:


Psalm 31:1-5   Sue  Saunders

Luke 15:1-6     Deborah Fitchett


We sing – to think where people, and our Lord, might be:

HYMN: Where cross the crowded ways (Tune: Fulda)

Where cross the crowded ways of life, where sound the cries

of race and clan, above the noise of selfish strife we hear your voice,

O Son of Man.


In haunts of wretchedness and need, on shadowed thresholds

dark with fears, from paths where hide the lures of greed

we catch the vision of your tears.


The cup of water given for you still holds the freshness of your grace; yet long these multitudes to see the sweet compassion of your face.


Till everyone shall learn your love and follow where your feet have trod till glorious from your heaven above shall come the city of our God.

F M North (WOV532)

POWERPOINT: Refugee Sunday  … … [Silence]


HYMN:  Let Justice Roll Down  – a prayer and affirmation

Let justice roll down like a river, let justice flow down to the sea,

Let justice roll down like a river, let justice begin through me.


Justice for all who go hungry, crying to God to be fed,

left in a world of abundance to beg for a morsel of bread…


Justice for those are homeless, victims of war or of need,

trapped on the borders of nowhere, lost in the canyons of greed…

Justice for all who are powerless, yearning for freedom in vain, plundered and robbed of their birth-right, silently bearing their pain…

©Colin Gibson (AA)


  1. Acting out the Story:
  2. i) Can we respond by affirming our commitment?:

        We set our hearts on Your coming Common-wealth Dear God, and affirm our desire to love and serve you. We commit ourselves to follow in Jesus’ steps, befriending and serving others, whoever they may be. We wish to open our lives to the coming of your Good Spirit, that she may be our strength as we journey on in the world-wide company of all who act out Your Compassion, Justice and Peace. May this be so.


  1. ii) a Simple Meal:                                                                      

We respond with the OFFERING – of money, work, fuller trust, our daily work…and now we give Thanks, a ‘grace before a meal’:

We remember Your life, dear Lord, accepting and serving all women and men           without distinction;

Your caring and your befriending, your teaching and prophetic protests…We remember you were killed because of that life …   


Therefore remembering your life…your death…and that you have since showed yourself alive in sharing meals, and work, struggles and delights with your friends and others,

Grant, dear Friend, that all our work may be part of your work; all our meals a celebration of your presence; may all our community life demonstrate your justice, compassion, and  peace.    

Grant us, Everlasting God, your Spirit of life and love, in this fellowship of pilgrims, and in this food and drink, that to us they may be the life of Jesus-with-others given to be our life.

You come, Lord of life; we would now receive Your life-with-others, to be our life;  offering ourselves, to live your new life. Live in us, we pray, that we may live in you.

[To begin the meal]

The Life, and death, and life again of Jesus Christ given to be our life.

Amen: May this be so.

[Food & drink are shared, passed to each other].

            [Silent Prayer]          

Open our eyes, Lord, to see you present in each other, in the companionship of this ‘food for the road’, and in all who work for the Common Good.…


  1. The Scattering: CONCERN & PRAYER FOR OTHERS

Let us pray.   Let us be silent in God’s presence.

Great Spirit of all, teach us how to pray —

For so many who are in constant danger, having lost their communities, their families, and who lack food, water and shelter.

Lord, help us to stand in solidarity with these, especially with mothers in Syria and elsewhere, whose food supplies are low and whose debts are mounting…

For those having difficulties with travel;  locked borders, no resources, great distances.

Lord, help us to be understanding & feel deeply for their distress…

Grant a spirit of encouragement & strength to all those who are making provision available day by day: Churches, the Act Alliance, Christian World Service, others…

Lord, prompt us to wholeheartedly support those who work for us…

In the name of Jesus, we pray



PRAYER OF PILGRIMAGE as we Leave  … … …

In our pilgrimage towards you and our neighbour,

Strengthen us dear God, that we receive the life-of-Jesus-with-others to be our life;

In your work of loving service, nurture and protest, for the transformation of our    society and culture, and the renewal of human lives …

Join us to yourself, through Jesus Christ who lives.


HYMN: Where the Road Runs Out to think of where we are heading…

Where the road runs out and the signposts end,

where we come to the edge of today,

be the God of Abraham for us; send us out upon our way.

Lord, you were our beginning, the faith that gave us birth. We look to you, our ending, our hope for heaven and earth.


When the coast is left and we journey on to the rim

of the sky and the sea, be the sailor’s friend,

be the dolphin Christ; lead us on to eternity…


When the clouds are low and the wind is strong,

when tomorrow’s storm draws near, be the spirit bird hov’ring overhead who will take away our fear…                                         ©Colin Gibson (WOV672)


As you go

We will be on the road to the Just City and we shall travel light.  We will welcome companions and look for the signposts of God’s Common-wealth on the Way. We shall listen to others carefully, and find delight, and courage, in the quest for just and creative communities.   

The Great Friend of the Way goes with us….  Amen: May this be so!












A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Many thanks to Rev Dr John England for leading our worship today.



Morning tea will follow. Currently, disposable cups are being used. If you prefer, please bring your own mug from home each week.


WEDNESDAY WALKERS 6th July: Meet 9.30am at the Bus Exchange, cnr Colombo & Lichfield Streets. Coffee downstairs at Ballantyne’s. All are welcome. Sue 960 7657.


CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am-12noon. $3 per session.


ALPINE PRESBYTERY newsletter is on the noticeboard in the Lounge.
MEN’S GROUP will meet at Merchiston at 6pm for a shared tea this Thursday 7th July– the speaker will be John Wylie from New Zealand Rowing.  All men most welcome – contact Tony 332 0554 if you have any queries.



Annual Reports are now required. Please make sure they are received by the Parish Office no later than 20th JulyJ.


PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192.

Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.


The Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board invites you to the Older People’s Winter Warmer at the Cashmere Club on Thursday 14th July 1pm – 3pm.

This event is an opportunity for older people of the Spreydon/Heathcote ward to come together, connect and be warmed with a lovely and FREE afternoon tea and entertainment. Please bring a friend or friends. As Bastille Day is observed on this day, we invite you to wear French themed fashion if you wish to. Please RSVP by Friday 8th July to or call 941 5106.


BOOK SALE St Anne’s Church Hall Thursday 7th July 10am-2pm. Great bargains!









A refugee is a person who ‘owing to a wellfounded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.’ United Nations Convention on Refugees, 1951


‘Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are persons or groups of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally recognized state border.’ UNHCR