Sunday 24th July 2016 10am


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service.



If you prefer, please bring your own mug from home for morning tea.


FOOT CLINIC TOMORROW 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. New volunteers always welcome. See Lyndsey for more information.


FIRESIDE: Joan Scott has asked us to meet at her house at 7.30pm on Tuesday 26th July.  We welcome women of the congregation to join us.  Enquiries to Margaret 366 8936.


WEDNESDAY WALKERS 27th July: Meet 9.30am in Cumnor Terrace near Garlands Road to explore the Tannery area. Coffee at Mitchelli’s Cafe Renato. Sonya 339 7038 or 027 253 3397  New walkers welcome.


CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am-12noon. $3 per session.


I’m offering a course that might interest you – it’s all action and reflection:

‘ON HUMAN WORTH – made in God’s image’. 10am-12noon each Monday for six weeks in the Methodist Church Lounge, followed by a shared lunch.

It will begin when there are six or more participants.

The course will explore from a Christian perspective – looking at oneself, developing relationships, listening skills, compassion, empathy, barriers to relationship building and finally suffering.

If this course interests you, please see me for a course list. Lyndsey McKay.


COPY FOR THE NEXT ‘MESSENGER’ is now due. Please email any contributions to Anneke ( by 12th August.


PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192.

Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.

NB: Anna will be at Beckenham Methodist on Thursday from 10am.


ALPINE PRESBYTERY newsletter is on the noticeboard in the Lounge.


ANGLICAN PARISH OF OPAWA-ST MARTINS is holding a Quiz Night at the Speights Ale House Ferrymead Sunday 28th August 5.30pm. Contact Anna at the Office for tickets ($10 pp or $2 for children).





As you may be aware, St James’ will end their ministry in Spreydon with a church service to be held at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday 11th September 2016.


As they will only be inviting two representatives from each parish to this final service, they would like the opportunity to share with their neighbouring Presbyterian churches, whose fellowship and friendship they have enjoyed over many years.

An invitation is extended to the St Martin’s congregation to come and join them on Sunday 21 August at 10 am.


Their Lay Preacher, Ken Shields is leading the service. He is also a member of the Accord Harmony Chorus, so we are hopeful they are able to come and share their beautiful singing with us.


Irene Gray

Session Clerk.




PRAYER WALK: Join with others all over New Zealand and pray for our schools – children, young people, teachers, parents, boards and anyone else involved.

When? Friday 5th August 9.30am

Where? Meet at the West Bridge, Botanic Gardens, opposite the tennis courts. Coffee to follow at Ilex Cafe. See Irene for more information.



BIRTHDAY  THIS WEEK: Sun 24th Aubrey; Tues 26th Rachael; Thu 28th Wayne; Sat 30th Fay, Drew.