WELCOME: Tena Kotou katoa/Welcome. Greetings to you in the name of Christ. Greetings also to you.
Conversation ~ Barbara & David
HYMN: One More Step (Tune: Southcote)
One more step along the world I go,
one more step along the world I go;
from the old things to the new keep me travelling along with you.
And it’s from the old I travel to the new;
keep me travelling along with you.
Round the corners of the world I turn,
more and more about the world I learn;
all the new things that I see you’ll be looking at along with me:
As I travel through the bad and good,
keep me travelling the way I should;
where I see no way to go you’ll be telling me the way, I know:
Give me courage when the world is rough,
keep me loving though the world is tough;
leap and sing in all I do, keep me travelling along with you:
You are older than the world can be,
you are younger than the life in me;
ever old and ever new, keeping me travelling along with you:
©Sydney B Carter (CH4 530)
Conversation ~ Barbara & David
A MOMENT IN SILENCE – put aside the busyness of life and allow God room in to be God.
HYMN: How Much Am I Worth?
How much am I worth? What value’s in me?
Do I count, if I stand or I fall?
If I’m weak or I’m strong, if I win or I lose,
Am I someone, or no one at all?
I am worth everything, everything, everything,
I am worth everything in the eyes of God;
You are worth everything, everything, everything,
We are worth everything in the eyes of God.
I am that bird that dropped to the ground,
That tiniest bird of them all,
And nobody knew, and nobody cared
But our Father, who cares for us all.
We are worth everything, everything, everything,
We are worth everything in the eyes of God;
We are worth everything, everything, everything,
We are worth everything in the eyes of God.
I am that stone that fell from a ring,
That was precious beyond all compare;
And they hunted the house, till they cried out with joy
When they saw it, still gleaming, down there.
I am worth everything, everything, everything,
I am worth everything in the eyes of God;
You are worth everything, everything, everything,
We are worth everything in the eyes of God.
I am that child who felt lost and afraid,
When she saw just how far she had roamed;
But they scoured the hills till they found her again,
And rejoicing, they brought him safe home.
We are worth everything, everything, everything,
We are worth everything in the eyes of God;
We are worth everything, everything, everything,
We are worth everything in the eyes of God.
How much am I worth? Do I matter at all?
When I’m thinking it through may I see that I’m worth all the love of the Son of God, who laid down his life just for me. ©Colin Gibson
INTRODUCTION Allison Blackler
Deuteronomy 15: 7-11 There will always be the poor people in the land
Luke 4: 16-21 Jesus reading in the Synagogue Tony Blackler
SHORT DRAMA: ‘The Church and the World’
REFLECTION: ‘How can we begin to address the issue of those living in poverty and with family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand?’
AN INVITATION FOR YOU TO RESPOND: Discuss in groups of two or three, then place your response on the noticeboard. Barbara & David have paper and pens and will assist you. Thank you.
HYMN: Wounded World (Tune: Abbot’s Leigh) ©Shirley Murray (1992)
Wounded world that cries for healing – here we hold each other’s pain, wounded systems, bruised and bleeding bear the load, the scars of strain; dollars ration out compassion, hard decisions rule the day – Jesus of the healing Spirit, free us to another way!
Through our nation’s pent frustration, through the corridors of stress may there move a kindlier wisdom all may feel, and all may bless;
tax and tithe are for a purpose shared to shield the poor and weak: past the symptoms of our sickness let the voice of justice speak.
Honour those whose loving spirit nurses hope, restores and heals. Towel and basin used in service like the Christ who come and kneels: in the tending, in the mending may we see the right and fair,
in our common quest for wholeness heal each other by our care.
OFFERING (Together): God of all people, rich and poor, free and oppressed, we come now with our offering. We offer to you ourselves; our giftedness, food, money, our time and energy in your service. Amen.
PRAYER FOR OTHER PEOPLE: Barbara, David & Lyndsey
HYMN: Putting People First
Speaking up for those who cannot speak, reaching out to the poor and the weak, changing systems that prison the mind, bringing hope and liberty; putting people, putting people, putting people first for a change.
Standing tall with those who stand alone, in solidarity;
it is the work of Jesus Christ, it is the work for me…
Working hard for change, not charity, making the blind ones see;
it is the work of Jesus Christ, it is the work for me…
Letting go that others may enjoy, teaching true community:
it is the work of Jesus Christ, it is the work for me… ©Colin Gibson (1995)
COMMITMENT TO THE COMMUNITY (together): We go now out into God’s world knowing that God goes with us, Jesus Christ being our Guide and that the Spirit of God will empower us. May we know the freedom to seek opportunities each new day and serve with compassion, imagination and courage.
BLESSING: Go in peace and love. May God go on creating within us, may Jesus Christ be in our midst and the Spirit lead us in the dance of life.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, our Father, and the fellowship, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us for evermore, for evermore, for evermore. Amen. ©St Aidan’s, Launceston.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea following the service. Many thanks to Rev Lyndsey McKay for leading our worship today.
WELCOME to Rev Dugald Wilson, our Minister for the next few months, working on a part time basis. dugaldwil@gmail.com or 380 5024.
*****NEXT SUNDAY: 10 am at St James’, Spreydon.*****
Sunday 28th August: we will be joining Cashmere Presbyterian at 10am.
WEDNESDAY WALKERS 17th August: Meet 9.30am at Meet Madras St by the repaired clock tower by the river. Plenty of parking, either Madras St, or across the road by the Oxford Tce Baptist site or exit from Margaret Mahy playground as you come back on to Madras St. Coffee at Table at Monks cafe. Janette and Cyril 021 161 1178 or Sonya 027 253 3397
BOARD OF MANAGERS meets this Wednesday 7.30pm at Merchiston.
CRAFTY CRAFTERS Thursdays 10am-12noon. $3 per session.
PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192. Email:stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz. Website:www.stmartins.org.nz.
Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.
ALPINE PRESBYTERY NEWSLETTER is on the noticeboard in the Lounge.
ANGLICAN PARISH OF OPAWA-ST MARTINS is holding a Quiz Night at the Speights Ale House Ferrymead Sunday 28th August 5.30pm. Contact Anna at the Office for tickets ($10 pp or $2 for children). How about entering a team from St Martin’s???
PRAYING FOR CASHMERE: This Thursday, 18 August: a combined churches informal evening for prayer and fellowship,
in the Cashmere Presbyterian Church lounge, at 7.30pm (2 Macmillan Ave, off Dyers Pass Rd). Supper provided. All most welcome.
A rare opportunity to relax, share and pray together as Christians.
BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK: Sun 14th Thomas; Wed 17th Sam; Thu 18th Andreas, Doug