Sunday 28th August 10am at Cashmere Presbyterian Church

FROM 4th SEPTEMBER: Our worship will be at 10am

at the Mineral & Lapidiary Club Hall

110 Waltham Rd


BECKENHAM METHODIST FUNDRAISING CONCERT TODAY 2pm in the Church. Cost: $10  All welcome.


2017 FUNDRAISING CALENDARS now available. $20. Please see Charlotte or Judith.


PARISH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: Sunday 18th September following worship.


WEDNESDAY WALKERS 31st August: Meet 10am at South Library car park for a walk around to PMH.  Coffee at Red Cafe.  Lorraine 021 045 0578 or Sonya 027 253 3397  All welcome.


MEN’S GROUP will meet at Merchiston at 6 pm on Thursday 1 September for a shared tea. Rob Meier will be talking about his recent adventures in Cuba and other places.    All welcome – Tony 332 0554.


CRAFTY CRAFTERS: Thursdays 10am-12noon. $3 per session.



Monday 12th September 7pm Church of St Michael and All Angels

Rod Oram,  international business journalist, will speak with hope of effective actions each of us can take to mitigate climate change and build a sustainable economy. Beginning with banking and the power of how we spend our money Rod will outline steps already being taken, including the role of the Anglican and other churches.

Bishop Victoria will give an introductory talk about our responsibility to “be good kaitiaki of the Earth; it is not an optional extra.

2016 QUAKER LECTURE: ‘A Peaceful World: How can we make it so?’

Former Disarmament Minister and Associate Minister for NZAid Marian Hobbs will speak on Thursday 8th September 7.30pm at The Atrium Netball Centre, 455 Hagley Ave. Entry by koha.



PUBLIC LECTURE – IMPLANTS & UPGRADES, CYBORGS & CELL PHONES: STAYING HUMAN IN THE 21ST CENTURY Friday 9 September 7.30pm Cashmere Presbyterian Church. Presented by lecturer and theologian Nicola Hoggard-Creegan. Entry by koha.




Saturday 10 September, 9.30am – 3.30pm. Cashmere Presbyterian Church, Subsidised cost $25. Topics include: digital technology, environmental change, living longer, the city’s future, and the role of the church. To register: or phone 332 7129.


ADDINGTON HISTORIC CEMETERY CLEAN UP: The Addington Neighbourhood Association and St Mary’s have organised  a clean-up and BBQ for Keep NZ Beautiful Week, Saturday 17th September, 9.30 – 11.30am, starting with a safety and tasks briefing from CCC park staff. Wear suitable clothing and gloves, tools not required. All ages welcome. If the weather is unsuitable it will be cancelled. Any queries, call 967 7036.


PARISH OFFICE: Wednesday & Thursday 9am – 12 noon, Fridays 9-11am Ph 332 6192.

Please make sure Anna has any notices by 9am Thursday.

INTERIM MINISTER: Rev Dugald Wilson 380 5024;


BIRTHDAY  THIS WEEK: Sat 3rd Charlotte.