Sunday 2nd April
5th Sunday in Lent ~ The Cross
Coming Together as Part of God’s Family
Welcome and Notices:
Call to Worship:
God who is beyond us,
maker of heaven and earth–
open our eyes to see the wonder of creation!
God was made known
In the life of Jesus the Christ
Open our hearts to know the deep love of Christ!
God who lives in each one of us as Spirit
Holy fire to kindle our true purpose
Open our beings to each other to confirm that we all belong,
And together we can give birth to your new earth.
Explaining the Proposed Building Project at St Martins Church.
After worship today there is an opportunity to gather around at the church site at 43 St Martins Road to:
- Have a quick cuppa in the new office
- Walk through proposed changes at the church in preparation for our special congregational meeting (Sunday 23rdApril) to determine our course of action. It is much easier to explain what is proposed on site rather than looking at drawings.
If you wish to take up this opportunity please leave immediately after worship and head round the corner!
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning, Please stay for morning tea after the service.
The Parish Office has now returned to 43 St Martins Rd
Wednesday Walkers 5th April: meet 9.30am at the carpark by the Sumner Surf Club, for a walk in Sumner.
Coffee will be at Joe’s Garage. All are welcome.
Judith 3321577
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3.Beverley 384 7814.
Can You Help? Our auditor has retired so we need a new person to check the books. If you know of someone, please let Joan Macdonald know.
Please fill out an information form so we can update our records.
Forms can be returned to The Minister, Irene Gray or to the church office.
Many thanks to those who have already returned forms!
Do we need Easter? The Rev Dr John England will lead three provocative reflections during Holy Week.
Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th April at 7.00pm in the Church Lounge at 43 St Martins Rd.
Good Friday 14th April
9.30am at the Mineral & Lapidary Club.
Easter Day 16th April
10am Communion Service at the Mineral & Lapidary Club.
A message from the ‘Messenger’ editor:
Please start sending in articles for the next edition as soon as possible. I will be away for a couple of weeks so would appreciate items early. Deadline is 1st May. Many thanks. Anneke.