Sunday 9 July 2017
Let us end world famine
Lord’s Prayer: God, lover of us all, most holy one,
help us to respond to you to create what you want for us here
on earth.
Give us today enough for our needs
Forgive our weak and deliberate offences
Just as we must forgive others when they hurt us.
Help us to resist evil and to do what is good
For we are yours endowed with your power to make our world whole. Amen.
The 10 Commandments of Food and reflection
- Give thanks for the food you eat.
- Eat food grown as close as possible to where you live.
- Strive for all people to know about and have access to affordable, nutritious food.
- Eat mindfully and in moderation. Do not waste food.
- Rejoice and share the sacred gift of food with all.
- Be grateful to those who grow and prepare food for your table.
- Support fair wages for farmworkers, farmers and food workers.
- Reduce the environmental damage of land, water and air from food production and the food system.
- Protect the biodiversity of seeds, soils, ecosystems and the cultures of food producers.
- Support Christian World Service – our church’s own agency and part of a world-wide network – regularly.
Reflection – What can we do to help the issue of famine in the World
Causes: armed conflict…civil war the greatest reason (Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, South Asia…)
compounded by draught …failed harvests, dependency on 1 or 2 crops only…
and failures to develop agriculture & education in rural areas
extremes of wealth & poverty…lack of just tax system, or adequate regulation of banks, so that money & security continues to ‘flood up’ (not ‘trickle down’)
OUR Response:
“Collective global efforts now imperative – we need $4.4bn by July”.
with sustained, unpolitical humanitarian access …”
~ How we use not waste food… ~ buy locally, or NZ or Fair Trade – avoid monopolies – ~ support peace-making / anti-armaments organizations – ICRC, UN Peace-Keeping, Anti-Nuclear NZ, Amnesty ~ for emergency rescue, food, shelter: CWS (and ACT), SCF, UNFAO. UNICEF
~ Intercession: concern/intention /action – “smallest action here can affect across vast distances”
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Our thanks to the Worship committee for leading today’s worship. Your gifts of non perishable food items will be donated to Waltham Cottage to be distributed. Please stay for morning tea after the service.
Parish Lunch Cashmere Club NEXT Sunday 16th July 12 noon There will be a parish luncheon at the Cashmere Club NEXT Sunday at 12noon. Cost: $25 per head. Please add your name to list TODAY. Speak to Allison 332 0554 or Irene 332 7036 for more information.
Next Sunday 16th July at 4pm
Induction of Rev Yvonne Smith at St Ninian’s Presbyterian Church, Riccarton.
Wednesday Walkers 12th July: Meet 9.45am in Simeon St on the corner of Meadowville Ave for a walk around east Spreydon. Coffee at Café Mosaic in Barrington Mall. All welcome. Keith & Marilyn 960 2484.
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. Bring along your own craft project, or learn a new skill! Contact Beverley 384 7814 for further details.
No Excuse Sunday scheduled for Sunday 16th July has been postponed.
If you have a suggestion to be the next Moderator of the Assembly of the PCANZ, please let Irene know before 12th July.
Parish Pancake Breakfast 30th July 8.45am (please note corrected date)
Inner-city churches (along with EcuAction) have organised their 4th series of Seminar-Forums, beginning late in July.
To hear Professor Shamubeel Eaqub speak on Secure Housing for All, there is a seminar planned for Thursday 27th July at the Knox Church Centre at 5.30pm.
Luther +500 The Relevance of the Reformation
A one day conference will be hosted at Hope Church, Hornby on Saturday August 26th from 9.30am till 2.30pm.
It will look at the relevance of the Reformation 500 years on with guest speakers Stuart Lange and Pauline Simonsen.
A koha for attendance. Free lunch for those who register!
Register with Peter@followers.org.nz
From Alpine Presbytery newsletter:
Dugald’s Induction will be on Sunday 13th August 3pm at the CMLC Hall.
Add this date to your diaries!