Sunday 8th October 2017
REMINDER: Today’s worship is at St Mark’s Anglican Church Hall, 101 Opawa Rd at 10am.
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea after the service.
NEXT Sunday we are back at the CMLC Hall in Waltham Rd Folk from St James will be leading our service.
A Modern Take on the Ten C’s
Seek the life of God
Put your trust in God whose love never fails
Submit your will to God
Keep the seventh day as a day of rest and reflection
Give a good witness to your faith and the life it brings
Do not diminish the sacredness of another
Do not use others as objects to meet your desires
Do not rob another of an ability to live well
Do not tell lies – in what you say and do
Do not seek and consume more – care for creation
Luther and Lloyd: Two Outrageous Heretics?
2017 marks the 50th Anniversary of the heresy trial of Lloyd Geering here in Aotearoa New Zealand – an event that was most divisive for many of our churches.
This six-week course will examine the huge impact of the two men in their time, noting their significance for today. Attention will be drawn to the different theological perspectives involved. Commences Thursday 19th October 2-4pm at Iona House, Aranui
Co-facilitated by Charles Manning, Reverends Sheena Dickson and Rodney Routledge.
To enrol: email stgmin@gmail.com or ph 381 2536 (leave a message please) by 15th Oct.
Wednesday Walkers 11th October: Meet 9.30am at the Bus Interchange for a walk around town east of Colombo St. Coffee at The Pantry, ARA Institute. All welcome. Sue 960 7657.
All Saints Sunday, November 5th On this Sunday we remember those who have passed on before us. We name those who have died in the past year and light a candle in memory. There may be someone you want remembered in this way and if so please forward their name to Anna in our office with their date of death. There will also be an opportunity for anyone to light a candle in memory of a loved one.
Crafty Crafters Thursdays 10am-12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. $3 per session. Bring along your own craft project, or learn a new skill! Contact Beverley 384 7814 for further details.
Minister absent…Dugald will be on holiday from Saturday 14th October for 10 days. Please address any need of a minister to Irene our Session Clerk.
CAN YOU HELP? We are looking for people to join the morning tea roster for next year, and also the door duty roster. For more information or to sign up, please see Joan Scott.
Bacon… will be collected on 24th October. Please pay any money owing to Joan Macdonald before then. Delivery will be arranged as soon as possible after the 24th. Talk to Joan 337 1648 if you have any queries.
Mission Discernment – Helen Clyde Smith from the Presbytery addressed Session recently to explain the need for all parishes to keep working to discern their future and what God is calling them to be. Session has agreed we need to continue to address this question and is setting up a small group to work with a Mission Enabler from the Presbytery to continue to wrestle with this. You may be interested in being part of (or feeding into) a group that will seek to discern where God is calling us as a congregation, (God may be whispering to you!) and if so talk with Dugald.
Presbyterian Support…will be speaking about their work on Sunday 29th October. There will be an opportunity to engage with them, also.
“On the Road to Damascus”
An exhibition of contemplative quilts with sustainability in mind.
Knox Church, 28 Bealey Ave 9-11 October, 9am—5pm. Free entry, quiet environment.
This is an exhibition of quilts of six veteran Christchurch stitchers who have eschewed the trappings of modern day quilt-making and worked with the simplest of tools and recycled or scrap materials. Only natural dyes, sourced from the local environment have been used. All construction and quilting has been done by hand. The only tools that have been used are scissors, needles, pins and a straight edge.
The Sacred Enneagram Workshop…. The Enneagram is one of the most helpful tools to help you discover who we are and how we relate to God. Based on the nine classic archetypes of human character the Enneagram reveals our unique way we can find our way home to our True Self and to God. This workshop is for anyone who’s interested in learning more. Led by Christopher Heuertz it will be held at South West Baptist Church on Nov 25th from 9.30am to 4.30pm. The cost of $80.00 ($50.00 for students and beneficiaries) includes a book.
Building the Church for Today & Tomorrow
Tuesday 17th October, 9am-4pm Cashmere Presbyterian Church
This conference will address some of the difficult questions of mission and ministry in the 21st century. What is the place of the church in a changing culture?
How do we best manage our finances? What does strategic planning look like for a church?
If we can’t do everything, what should we focus on? We will explore theory and practice, and be inspired by case studies.
Cost: $30pp, includes lunch. To register: conference@christiansavings.co.nz
Did you know….When you replace your brake pads on your car make sure you fit environmentally friendly pads. Raised levels of copper in local rivers is largely due to copper in conventional brake pads finding its way into our waterways.
A Ceilidh is coming on Saturday 25th November 7-10pm at Opawa Community Church Hall. $10 adults, $2 children and a plate for supper please. Tickets available from next week.
‘Privately organised cèilidhs are now extremely common in both rural and urban Scotland, where bands are hired, usually for evening entertainment for a wedding, birthday party, celebratory or fundraising event. These may be more or less formal, and very often omit all other traditional Gaelic activity beyond the actual music and dancing. Novices are usually among the participants, so a “dance caller” may teach the steps before music begins for each dance. The more versatile bands will demonstrate the dances too. Scottish primary schools frequently teach some “country dancing”, often around Christmas time. Bands vary in size but are commonly made up of between 2 and 6 players. The appeal of the Scottish cèilidh is by no means limited to the younger generation, and dances vary in speed and complexity to accommodate most age groups and levels of ability. Most private schools in Scotland will also hold cèilidhs on a fairly regular basis.’ (Wikipedia)
See Irene Gray for more information.