Sunday 25 March 2018 10am



 Sunday 25th March 2018 10am

 One Minute Meditation: One of the best ways to reduce anxiety and help with insomnia is to meditate.  It pumps oxygen into your brain and helps re-orientate yourself.  We often worry needlessly or let our emotions get out of control.  One Minute Meditation re-orientates ourselves in stillness where God lives.  Remember the quote of Teresa of Avila who said, “God is the friend of silence”. 

To meditate, sit comfortably.  Legs uncrossed, hands resting in balanced way.  Say to yourself “Be still and Know I am God”.  Relax yourself and notice your breathing.  “In and out”.  If you find your mid wandering simply come back to your breathing.  Be still for just a minute and notice that you now feel calmer, and more peaceful.  You can download an app or visit

 Session Report

Homeshare Plus: We have been successful in applying for funding of $2,000 from the St David’s Trust to help meet costs of this program.  We have however received notification from Presbyterian Support that they are withdrawing support.   The Session is keen to continue the program and is exploring ways to enable this.

Your Sisters Orphanage: Session is aware the Barb and Rob Meier are going to Tanzania in June to offer support at the orphanage.  We know there will be a need for tools and equipment once they are there.  Session believes there is strong support for this project and would like to establish a fund of up to $500.00 to be used for the purchase of equipment.  If you would like to make a special donation to this fund, please communicate with Joan Macdonald.

Sound Team: We are establishing a small team to take responsibility for setting up microphones, testing they are working, and putting them away at the end of worship.   This is not an arduous task, but basic electronic knowledge would be helpful.   Training will be offered.  Speak to Warren Pettigrew if you are interested in helping.

Building: We are applying to release money that was allocated to St Martins in the St David’s Trust following the closure of St James.  This money would be used to help with strengthening and alteration at the church.  This amounts to approx. $38,000.   We have been informed that our application to the Alpine Mission Fund for funding the church building work has not been successful.

 Notices: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea after the service.

REMINDER: Daylight Saving finishes next Sunday – don’t forget to turn your clocks back!!

 EASTER SERVICES: Good Friday 30th March at 9.30am & Easter Sunday 1 April Communion 10am

 Fireside Women’s Group meets this Tuesday 27th March 7.30pm at Anneke’s, 5 Simeon Quay in Lyttelton. All women of the congregation are welcome. Anneke has arranged a visit from the instructor of the “Sit & Be Fit” class that several church people attend.  We will be able to try some examples of what they do. Take this chance to ask for information about your own fitness queries! Enquiries: Margaret 366 8936.

Wednesday Walkers: 28th March. Contact Sonya 339 7038 for this week’s destination.

Final Lenten Conversation: Our Wednesday group will meet at 1.30pm on  28th March at Allison’s.

Crafty Crafters Craft Crawl to Hanmer Springs THIS Thursday 29th March leaving at 9.00am from Beckenham Methodist. Please be there by 8.45am. Cost is now $37 as fewer people are able to go so we have booked a smaller bus. Contact Lyndsey McKay 388 1264 today if you would like to join us.

Readers: If you would like to be added to the readers’ roster, please contact the Parish Office 332 6192 or email

Fundraiser for St Martins: Handmade greeting cards for sale. $3 each.  All proceeds to St Martins Building fund.

New Sunday Roster available today – please check to see if there is a copy for you. Anna.

A Spacious Way –  a reflective space for Holy Week at The Village Church – Papanui, cnr Papanui Rd & Frank St.
Featuring images and poems by Andrew Norton
Monday 26th  March – Sunday 1st April open 9am – 5pm

Honey for Your Sisters… 540g of some wonderful Woolston Honey for a donation to Your Sisters Orphanage.  This is delectable honey with no sugar added!  The dark runny honey has a real treacle edge.  Minimum donation $10.00.

Garage Sale at St Anne’s Anglican Church Hall, 7 Wilsons Rd on Saturday 14th April 8.30am. Donations of goods to sell appreciated also.