Sunday 8th April 2018




Second Sunday of Easter 8th April 2018

 Notices: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Please stay for morning tea. Many thanks to Rev. Alan Webster for leading today’s service.

Euthanasia is a contentious issue that is currently in front of our parliament.  On Sunday 29th April we’ll look at this issue bearing in mind there is real diversity in our Christian thinking.  There will therefore be an opportunity for discussion and debate.

Wednesday Walkers: 11th April. Meet 9.30am in Hawford Rd by Opawa Mall carpark. Coffee at Opawa Bakery & Café. Joan Mac 022 081 4088.

Can You Help? Recently, Waltham Cottage given out high numbers of food parcels, so stock is low. When you are shopping this week and in the weeks ahead, perhaps add an extra one or two items to contribute to the food bank at Waltham Cottage.  Have you considered becoming a Supporter of Waltham Cottage? Check out their updated

Volunteers Required! Foot Pampering need more volunteers to assist with foot soaking. Training on the job provided. The next Foot Clinic is on Monday 23rd April 1-4pm at Beckenham Methodist. Come along and have a look!

Homeshare Plus needs some more help on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Tuesday of each month. Venue: Sydenham Community Centre every Tuesday 10am – 2.30pm, or just help in the morning. Please come and see what we do and be part of a service combatting loneliness in our community. See the latest “Messenger” for more details, or talk to Lyndsey McKay 388 1268.

Crafty Crafters meets on Thursdays 10am – 12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. Cost:  $3 per session.  Contact Lyndsey McKay 388 1264 for more details.

Fundraiser for St Martins: Handmade greeting cards for sale. $3 each.  All proceeds to St Martins Building fund.

Men’s Group commences for the year on Thursday 3rd May 6pm at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd, starting with a shared tea. James Wakefield will be speaking about their adventures in South America. All men welcome. Contact Tony Blackler 332 0554 for more details.

Songs of Rejoicing – a musical celebration of Easter with Schola Cantorum TONIGHT 7pm at St Barnabas’ Church, Fendalton. $15 waged/$10 unwaged. Children free.

Garage Sale at St Anne’s 7 Wilsons Rd Sth THIS Saturday 14th April 8.30am-12 noon.

Building report…At the back corner of the church a brick infill panel has been removed and some foundation cut away to allow a larger concrete pad to be poured.  Steel reinforcing cages will be placed for the new foundation are ready to be inserted and the concrete will be poured next week.  Part of the roof will then be removed to allow the installation of a steel frame which will sit in the back wall.  Once this work is complete other work will ramp up.

Session Report

Homeshare Plus: We have been successful in applying for funding of $2,000 from the St David’s Trust to help meet costs of this programme.  We have however received notification from Presbyterian Support that they are withdrawing support. Session is keen to continue the programme and is exploring ways to enable this.

Your Sisters Orphanage: Session is aware the Barb and Rob Meier are going to Tanzania in June to offer support at the orphanage.  We have received generous donations for tools and equipment.  Thank You.

Sound Team: We are establishing a small team to take responsibility for setting up microphones, testing they are working, and putting them away at the end of worship.   This is not an arduous task, but basic electronic knowledge would be helpful.   Training will be offered.  Speak to Warren Pettigrew if you are interested in helping.

Building: We are applying to release money that was allocated to St Martins in the St David’s Trust following the closure of St James.  This money would be used to help with strengthening and alteration at the church.  This amounts to approx. $38,000.   We have been informed that our application to the Alpine Mission Fund for funding the church building work has not been successful.

CWS Cyclone Gita Appeal
Thank you to the many generous donors who are assisting some of the 78,000 people affected by February’s tropical cyclone. Our partner, the Tonga Community Development Trust, has sent us a proposal to restore gardens, repair rainwater harvesting systems and supply chickens or ducks to 140 households on Tongatapu and ‘Eua. CWS was delighted to learn that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will help fund this programme.

From the Assembly Executive Secretary… Staff news.. As advised last month, we have appointed Sandra Kennerley as our new Finance Manager. We’ll welcome Sandra to the team and introduce her more fully when she starts on 4 April.

Assembly 2018….The 2018 General Assembly will be held from 3-7 October at St Andrew’s College in Christchurch. Assembly is a time for us to learn, grow and celebrate our Church’s life and mission.

From the Archives team in Dunedin… Although we hold many thousands of photos, it has become apparent that we don’t have a visual record of every church, past or present. We are therefore planning to create a database of church photographs to ensure that our visual record is complete.

As a first step we are asking people and parishes from throughout New Zealand to send both historical and/or current photos of their churches (and manses and church halls).

From our Global Mission Office – Rev Phil King

Myanmar News…. I recently returned from a visit to Myanmar. As well as attending the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar (PCM) General Assembly, we reviewed and updated all aspects of our Ricebowl Mission partnership with the PCM. New projects were approved and funds for these will be sent now.

Vanuatu News…  Momentum is picking up in Vanuatu with all the members of our Global Mission team back and well under way in their respective areas of service. Numerous congregational teams and youth and school groups have projects planned with the Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu this year, including the hosting of a team from Malekula Island in Dunedin in August.