Sunday 29 July 2018

While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.

We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.

Sunday 29th July 2018

Fireside welcomes women to join us at our meeting to enjoy hearing about Judith’s recent visit to Copenhagen for the 2018 World Rose Convention.  This will be at 7.30pm on Tuesday 31st July at Joan Mac’s home.  Enquiries: Margaret 366 8936.

 Wednesday Walkers 1st August: meet at the Hawford Road entrance of the Opawa Mall at 9.30am for a walk around Woolston.  Coffee at the Opawa Café. All welcome. Joan Mac 337 1648.

Men’s Group meets this Thursday 2nd August at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd, for a shared tea and chat. The speaker for the evening will be Alan Webster with a huge range of stories for you. All men welcome – contact Tony 332 0554 for further details.

Crafty Crafters meets every Thursday 10am – 12 noon at Beckenham Methodist. New faces always welcome. See Lyndsey McKay for more information.

Open Day at Knox – Come along and see our stunning new stained glass window, Sunday 5th August 1-3pm.

Annual Reports: Yes, it’s that time of year again. Please email reports to the Parish Office ( by Wednesday 22nd August at the latest. Recent photos of your group and/or activities would also be appreciated.

The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Sunday 23rd September.


Family Quiz Night at St Anne’s Hall on Sunday 26th August 5pm. $10 adults, $2 kids. We need to enter at least one team (4-6 people) from St Martins – invite friends, family and neighbours too. BYO drinks and nibbles. Juice and snacks, as well as raffle tickets for sale – bring cash. This is a fundraiser for Opawa-St Martins Anglican Parish. Tickets available from Anna at the Office 332 6192. 

Risingholme Singers Concert– Saturday 4th  August at the Heaton Intermediate School Performing Arts Centre, 7.30 pm.  Admission $15, children free.  An entertaining mix of musical styles is planned.  Enquiries: John Shanks 366 8936.

General Assembly October 3-7 at St Andrew’s College Helpers wanted: There are many ways in which you can assist – administration, first aid, baking and hospitality, car parking, ushering, or helping out with technology. If this sounds like something you can help us with, please email Abi Trevathan

 RESOURCE TEAM LEADER Are you interested in making a positive difference in the culture and mission of our Presbytery…?

Alpine Presbytery are looking for a person to come alongside our congregations and other ministries, to listen, support and respond to their needs in developing their ministry and mission. This is a half-time position. For more information including a job description please contact Eoin Powell Closing date: Monday 13th  August.


Building Report: We have decided to replace the internal brick wall between the foyer and church with timber framing. This will allow steel reinforcing to be hidden inside the wall. This change will delay completion until the end of October. The bricklayer was supposed to begin last week but has been held up. They should start this week.

We have begun the process of seeking funding from outside trusts for kitchen appliances, data projector, chairs etc… If we can raise $20,000 from outside sources we will need to seek $20,000+ from members to meet our budget.