Sunday 28th October 2018

While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.

We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.

Sunday 28th October 2018

 NOTICES: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please join us for morning tea after the service. Many thanks to Rev. Alan Webster for leading this morning’s worship.

Building News….Scaffolding around the front of the building has been removed.  The new sliding door in the west wall has been installed and all broken windows have been replaced.  There is still unplanned strengthening work to be completed on the west wall (furthest wall from the street) demanded by the engineer which means gib lining in the new bathroom cannot be completed.   More steel beams will be put in place and helifix ties through the bricks will be installed. This hold up will mean planned opening on the 25th Nov will need to be delayed until December 16th, or even the New Year for any official opening. Work has begun on sealing the area in front of the church office.

Inside the work of installing plaster moulds around each of the small windows is now complete and gib stopping almost complete.  Work to install the hanging ceiling in the church will commence this week and interior painting will get underway.  Kitchen joinery has been delayed because the plans as drawn were inaccurate and need to be altered but the architect has been away.

We now have a clearer picture of the cost of the over 30 variations demanded by the engineer.  We estimate costs have increased by over $100,000 due to this extra work.  We have of course expressed our displeasure at this situation, and negotiated that all the engineer’s work from October will be at no cost to the parish.

Dugald has produced an estimated budget going forward which indicates that we still face costs of $413,000 (GST incl) and currently we have approx. $420,000 in available funds.  We will receive a large GST return (hopefully about $70,000) in January 2019.

Managers’ Report: Our thanks to Cyril Morris and David Hodder for completing work to transform a garage into two sheds on our property for storage purposes.

Our insurance bill for $10,000 has been paid.

Approval given to explore using the old Bible Class rooms at the rear of the property as a MenzShed.

Judith Mackay was thanked for her service to the Board of Managers and as the secretary.

We are keeping our eyes and ears open for a possible person to undertake cleaning duties in the refurbished church.  We will need to appoint someone early in the new year.

Fireside Women’s Group meets this Tuesday 30th October 7.30pm. We are fortunate that Gaynor has arranged for us to meet at her home to hear about the work that Christine Lloyd does when she volunteers on a Mercy ship, travelling to countries where poverty and hardship is a way of life.  Her Christian faith and dental assistant training help her assist others in dire need of medical assistance.  She is one of the many Christian volunteers who give their time, energy and skills to bring hope.   Enquiries: Margaret 366 8936.


All Saints Memorial Service: Once a year on a Sunday close to All Saints Day we remember in particular people close to us who have died in the past year.  We do this by remembering their names and placing a lit candle on the communion table.  There is also an opportunity for people to remember all those who are gathered in God’s eternal embrace by lighting your own candle of remembrance.

This year we will celebrate memorial Sunday on November 11th and you are invited to forward any names of those close who have died in the past year to Anna in the office that you would appreciate being named in the service.

Dugald away… Dugald will be away this week for a family gathering near Masterton.

 Wednesday Walkers 31st October Meet 9.30am at the Bus Exchange corner of Lichfield & Colombo Streets for a stroll around the Central City and visit to the new Library.  All are welcome. Coffee venue TBC. Sonya 027 253 3397.

Our next Parish Breakfast is on Sunday 11th November at 8.45am, hosted by the Worship committee. All are welcome. Gold coin donation appreciated.

Articles are now required for the next ‘Messenger’. Please email any contributions to: before Thursday 15th November.

 Armistice Day A special service of hymns, readings and prayers to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War One. Sunday 11th November 2pm at St Anne’s Anglican Church, 7 Wilsons Rd. All are welcome.

Crafty Crafters meets every Thursday 10am – 12 noon at Beckenham Methodist Church. New faces always welcome.

Global Voices invite you to their concert on Saturday 3rd November 7.30pm at Elmwood Auditorium. Tickets $25 or $12 for children – available from Anna in the Office.

St Mark’s Avonhead Twilight Fair, 150 Withells Rd on Friday 2 November 5 – 7pm. Bargains galore, children’s activities, plenty of food for tea. Plant stall opens at 11am. 10% of net proceeds to be donated to St Luke’s Centre.

Singalong Messiah with the Jubilate Singers. Sunday 18th November 2pm in the Transitional Cathedral. Door sales cash only.

Opawa-St Martins Anglican Parish Fair Saturday 24th November 8.30am at St Anne’s Church, 7 Wilsons Rd. Donations of books, good quality summer clothing & white elephant treasures gratefully received. Items can be collected. Contact Anna at the Office for details.