Sunday 18th November 2018

While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.

We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.


Sunday 18th November 2018

NOTICES:  A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please join us for morning tea after the service. Many thanks to Rev Alan Webster for leading our worship this morning.

 Thank you to the Worship committee for this morning’s delicious breakfast.

 Latest Building News…The extra steel reinforcing has been installed in the west wall. Helifix ties will be installed this week. The new drains and sewer have been installed. Work will now proceed to complete laying a sealed parking area outside the Office.

Have you seen the new red doors on the church. These add a real splash of colour. Good choice!

The suspended ceiling in the church is nearly installed. We can now proceed to install electrical equipment (lighting, heating, sound system). Warren Pettigrew has been installing small diode lights in the street facing small windows that form a cross.

Kitchen joinery will be installed at the end of the month along with floor coverings.

We are planning to hold our Christmas Services in the church, but the official opening will be on Sunday 27th January 2019.

New Sunday readers’ roster available today – please check to see if there is one for you.

 Wednesday Walkers 21st November Meet 9.30am near 20a Victors Road for a walk around Hoon Hay led by Judy Livingstone, who will host us for morning tea.

Session meets this Wednesday 21st November 7.30pm at Merchiston.

 Christmas Gifts for Waltham Cottage.    These gifts for men, women, teenagers and children can be brought to Church from next Sunday 25th November, and on 2nd and 9th December.    Toiletries, clothing, toys, books, biscuits, sweets etc.  All the things you would like to receive.

Opawa-St Martins Anglican Parish Spring Fair Saturday 24th November 8.30am at St Anne’s Church, 7 Wilsons Rd.

Risingholme Singers Christmas Concert Saturday 24th November in the Heaton Intermediate School Performing Arts Centre at 8pm.  A varied programme of Christian and light music will be presented with a very special bracket of lute music. Tickets $15 at the door or from John Shanks.

The St Albans Community Choir together with the New Brighton Silver Band invite you to “Carol our Christmas – Unusual carols from many lands”. Sunday 25th November 5pm at St Paul’s Parish Church, 1 Harewood Road. Admission by donation to a local charity.

50s Up Brass 25th Anniversary Christmas Concert Wednesday 28th November, 11am-12noon at the Woolston Club, Hargood Street. Entrance $5 or gold coin. See Bob Kayes for more details.

Ethical Christmas Market Saturday 1st December 4-8pm at South West Baptist Church, 244 Lyttelton St, Spreydon.

New Strategic Mission Plan being prepared…The Session has been discussing a new Strategic Mission Plan for  our parish. This plan draws on the work of the Mission Discernment Group, and the report of Peter Burley. We are looking to approve eight goals for the next two years. These are:

Build relationships and enhance life in the South Christchurch Community through activating the church complex as a Community Centre.

Initiate a regular worship and hospitality event for seniors (80+) to connect with God and build bonds of community with each other.

In all our activities we will increase our awareness of a God dimension.

Initiate a regular “Time to be Still” that focuses on spiritual practices of quietness and listening to the inner voice of God.

Initiate a “Caring for Creation” action group to study, discern, and promote sustainable living practices

Enhance the ability of members to talk openly and honestly about faith and being a disciple of Jesus.

Initiate community singing activities with a spiritual

Employ a leader to initiate a new church seedling that focuses on young families.

Please talk with Session members about these proposed goals. We will initially look at how we might implement the first three goals.