While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.
We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.
Sunday 23rd December 2018
Christmas Eve 24th December 7pm
Christmas Day 25th December 9.30am
Both services to be held at CMLC, 110 Waltham Rd
Sunday 30th December 10am at Beckenham Methodist
Sunday 6th January 10am at CMLC
Sunday 13th January 10am at Beckenham Methodist
Sunday 20th January 10am at CMLC
Sunday 27th January 10am at CMLC
NOTICES: A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please join us for morning tea. Many thanks to Rev Alan Webster for leading our service.
CWS Christmas Appeal: bring envelopes back to church any Sunday until January 20th.
Wednesday Walkers: Informal walks will leave from South Library on 9th & 23rd January at 9.30am. On 16th January: Meet 9.30am at Bus Exchange for walk to Otakaro Orchard and talk by Peter Wells, Permiculture Designer. Contact Sue Saunders 960 7657.
The Parish Office closes on Friday 21st December and will re-open on Wednesday 16th January.
Elder Care resumes on Tuesday 15th January 10am – 2.30pm at Sydenham Community Centre.
Crafty Crafters resumes on Thursday 31st January 10am.
Building Work completed this week at the church….Ceiling insulation has been placed and installation of ceiling tiles completed in the church. The heaters have new seismic restraints installed. Carpet tiles have been delayed till the new year. The sliding doors are sliding.The final plumbing fit out has been completed. Kerbing at the front of the section has been installed.
The structural engineer has been on site and has confirmed he will supply a PS4 statement saying the structural work is complete and the building has been brought up to 67% NBS.
Post Christmas there will be a small amount of work to be completed in the upstairs store and the chip sealing of the car park will be completed. Inside carpet tiles will be laid on 15th January. With the Christmas shut down of 3 weeks it will be the end of January before Simon’s complete their work. Practical completion will therefore be early February and then we will apply for a Code of Compliance Certificate. We expect to be able to use the building sometime in March 2019.
There will be considerable amounts of work then required in the grounds including landscaping and the laying of concrete paths.
Costs of our Church Repair: We have received the latest update of costs and it isn’t good news. We contracted with Simon Construction to undertake the repairs and strengthening with a price of $830,000 (GST incl). The latest update of costs shows we have nearly 60 variations to the contract and costs for these are $235,000. Approximately half of the costs are attributable to extra work required to install the steel reinforcing. Rewiring the building has cost approx. $40,000, new stacker doors $12,000 and extra fire requirements $8,500. In the last few days we have been faced with extra costs of replacement damaged ceiling tiles $4,000, extra connection to street storm water $5,000, seismic bracing to be installed for heaters $5,000. These are not luxury add ons, but essential work that will have to be done to get a Certificate of Compliance.
We believe we have approx. $260,000 left to complete payment for the repair work on the building. Funds currently available amount to $210,000. This includes a GST return due in January of approx. $90,000. That still leaves a shortfall of approx $50,000. We are working to ways we may address this situation, including beginning a ‘Give a Little’ page on the internet. Suggestions of ways we might raise this shortfall are gratefully received.
The Building Team & Board of Managers.