While our Church Building is Repaired we are meeting each Sunday at The Mineral & Lapidary Club 110 Waltham Rd (next to Waltham School) at 10am.
We would love to have the opportunity to welcome you.
Sunday 20th January 2019
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for a cuppa after the service.
Wednesday Walkers: 23rd January Meet at South Library 9.30am for an informal stroll, followed by coffee at Novel. All are welcome.
New Sunday morning roster is available today – please check to see if there is one for you. Anna.
Session meeting this Wednesday 23rd January at the church at 7.15pm, preceded by a shared finger food tea at 6pm.
Wanted: Does anyone have a spare 2019 calendar for the Parish Office please? Give Anna a call 332 6192 (Wed-Fri mornings) if you can help!
The Strengthening of the Church…. The construction team has been busy this week. The painters have finally finished their main tasks with some touch ups still needed. The electricians have nearly completed their work. Carpet
tiles will be laid this week. The sealing of the carpark will also happen this week.
A small team from Session has had a productive meeting with the Presbytery and leads are being followed up regarding meeting our critical shortage of $50,000. Applications have been made to two sources of funding and a third is being worked on. We are aware that there will still be other costs to be met to undertake landscaping, curtaining, and other work. A new roof is needed on the toilet block.
Occupation will be dependent on the City Council issuing a compliance certificate. Tentatively we are looking to Sunday March 24th as an official opening date, but we expect to occupy before then.
Crafty Crafters resumes on Thursday 31st January 10am.
New Fence…Thanks to Cyril, Keith, David a new fence has been erected between the church and our neighbours on the south side. What a great construction team!