Sunday 17th March 2019


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for a cuppa.

Next Sunday 24th March we meet at 43 St Martins Rd at 10am for our first service back in the church. Please be patient as we may have some teething issues!

Working Bee next Saturday 23rd March 8.30 – 11.00am to prepare front garden beds at 43 St Martins Rd. Bring gardening tools.

Official Opening: The official opening of the strengthened church will be on Sunday 31st March at 2.30pm. We plan a short simple time to reflect on the journey, celebrate the new look building, and offer a prayer of blessing. Afternoon tea will follow, and we trust there will be a good representation from the wider community. Invite a friend.

Session meets this Wednesday 20th March 7.30pm at the church.

Wednesday Walkers: 20th March  

Meet 9.30am at our church 43   St Martins Rd and wander around, led by Fern, finishing possibly for coffee at the church but we have a plan B! Ring 332 4725 for additional information. All welcome.

Anna will not be in the Office this Thursday 21st March.

Building Access: Anyone needing

access to the church will need to obtain the keypad number from the

office, and sign the confidentiality statement.  This enables us to keep an accurate list of those who know the number. Please return all old keys to the Office.

Bus Trip this Thursday 21st: please be at the church by 9.15am at the latest. Our estimated arrival in Geraldine is 11.15am. We will stop at Lushington’s on the way back for afternoon tea.

Crafty Crafters: Thursdays 10am-12 noon at 43 St Martins Rd. New faces are always welcome. Bring along an unfinished craft item, or learn a new skill. Cost $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey McKay 388 1264 for more information.

Garage Sale at St Anne’s Anglican Church, Saturday   30th March 8.30am – 12.30pm.

News from the Presbytery…

Esther Sabey is being ordained and inducted as Assistant Minister at Hope Church this morning. This afternoon Charissa Nicol is being ordained and inducted as part time minister at St Luke’s Redwood at 4.30pm to serve in the Prestons New Mission Project.

Piano to give away…we have a second piano in the church which needs a new home. It needs tuning and some attention. Please contact

the Office if you know of someone who would like it.

Te Raranga invites Greater Christchurch churches to join together in prayer and celebration in the newly opened Town Hall on Saturday 11th May 2019 at 7pm.

Celebration ’19 is a Church Wide Event – a rare opportunity to come together to:

Reaffirm our unity as followers of Jesus

Celebrate our diverse expressions of faith

Acknowledge the journey of regeneration in Christchurch

Highlight various contributions to the city

Take up an offering to go towards a pioneering project in the city

Join together to pray for our city

Enjoy corporate worship

Encourage and inspire one another

Contributions from a wide range of groups promises to make this night a celebration of colour and flavour; a chance to give glory to God for the different ways He is working among and through us. We are really hoping you and your church members will join us for an evening of worship, prayer, celebration and challenge.

Tickets are now on sale through Ticketek at $19 per person (plus booking fee). Note: it is cheaper to book multiple tickets. We are encouraging churches to buy a block of tickets and sell on directly to their congregations.