Welcome Home to 43 St Martins Rd at 10am for our first service back in the church. Please be patient as we may have some teething issues!
Coping in the aftermath of the shooting
We live in world where we assume safety and order. We expect people to be mostly kind and to treat one another with basic respect. We work with assumption that people are inherently good and God has things in hand. These assumptions have been severely challenged by the actions of the shooter in our midst and to varying amounts we may feel like we are now standing on shaky ground. It is natural to feel the world has suddenly become unsafe and an insecure place, and we may sleep poorly and feel anxiety. We may feel other emotions. Some feel guilt thinking there was something we could have done or that we have let down another group in our midst. Many cards left with flowers at the scene say ‘sorry’. Some may feel anger or helplessness. Tears and sadness are very common. Some may just feel chaos or intense weariness and have difficulty focusing.
Trauma ‘experts’ tell us to acknowledge what we feel. Connect with your body and feelings and know that God is in them. They are coming from deep places within. I notice when invited to share what is happening within, many people talk about others. It is important we acknowledge and talk about ourselves.
It’s also OK to focus on you in other ways. It is perfectly normal to feel we want to do something to help, but connecting with self and immediate friends and colleagues is helping. Read a Psalm like Psalm 121 and anchor your life in God’s presence. Pray as you are able and know you are valued by God. Pray and share your deep desires for healing of our community with God. Be careful how much sensational news you feed yourself. Remind yourself that one lone gunman hasn’t changed the relationships that surround you each day. Do not let him take away your trust in others and the power of good alive in our world.
Know that issues behind this attack are not going to be solved overnight, but that the light always overcomes the darkness. One of the key messages of the resurrection is that evil will not win. Notice that many of the Muslim victims have a deep trust in God that things will work out. In the days ahead there will be plenty of time to address other issues like building better relationships with others in our community, addressing racism in our hearts and midst, and limiting the freedom of social media to disseminate propaganda of hate. Individually we can not stop all the bad things in the world, but we can live with integrity and hold fast to our values and beliefs about living a good and meaningful life with Jesus as our guide.
Session Report:
- Our immediate financial crisis has been resolved with the assistance of the Presbytery, with grants from the capital of the St David’s Trust and the Dick Estate. Presbytery has also forwarded money that was allocated for the ongoing pastoral care of people from St James.
- The church piano has been repaired and tuned and the electric piano connected into the new sound system. Warren is attempting to repair the organ (this may not be possible).
- We are looking for ideas of social events that will help build up our community. Ideas/offers to run an event are most welcome. Dugald is planning some movie evenings with tea in the winter months.
Thank you to
those who helped at the working bee yesterday. In the coming weeks we have a
priority to lay concrete paths outside. There is also shelving required in
internal store-rooms.
After the service please come through to the Lounge for a cuppa and a time to talk. Please take time to ask one another ‘how you are’, and listen to what is going on for each other in the aftermath of our shootings.
Official Opening next Sunday: The official opening of the strengthened church will be on Sunday 31st March at 2.30pm. We plan a short simple time to reflect on the journey, celebrate the new look building, and offer a prayer of blessing. Afternoon tea will follow, and we trust there will be a good representation from the wider community.
Inviting friends and neighbours to our opening next Sunday… please do so! You can also assist by delivering invitation fliers either in the immediate neighbourhood of the church (check on map to see which streets need doing, or simply deliver some in your street /neighbourhood.
Parking on St Martins Rd – the Council have advised that you can park on the street outside the church. The bus stops are no longer operational.
Foot Clinic TOMORROW at the church 1-4pm.
Fireside meets this Tuesday 26th March 7.30pm at the church for supper and a catch-up. All women welcome. Allison 332 0554.
Wednesday Walkers: 27th March
Meet 9.30am in Botanic Gardens by Armagh Street bridge. Coffee at Ilex. All welcome. Sonya 0272533397.
Crafty Crafters: Thursdays 10am-12 noon at 43 St Martins Rd. New faces are always welcome. Bring along an unfinished craft item, or learn a new skill. Cost $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey McKay 388 1264 for more information.
Piano to give away…we have a second piano in the church which needs a new home. It needs tuning and some attention. Please contact
the Office if you know of someone
who would like it.
Garage Sale at St Anne’s Anglican Church, NEXT Saturday 30th March 8.30am – 12.30pm.