Sunday 28 April 2019


A very warm welcome to you all this morning. After the service please come through to the Lounge for a cuppa and a time to talk. Many thanks to Rev Alan Webster for leading today’s worship.

EcuAction 2019 Forum Series: Climate Change & a Faith Response, Knox Church Centre, Bealey Ave

Four Thursdays in May, 5pm for 5.30 – 7.00pm (Refreshments at 5pm)


  • Climate Change & The Atmosphere: Richard McKenzie (May 9)
  • Climate Change & The Earth: Colin Meurk (May 16)
  • Climate Change & Capitalism: Charles Drace (May 23)
  • Climate Change & Water: Kathleen Gallagher (May 30)

Each forum will also feature a respondent from a Faith tradition before the topic is opened up for “Questions, Answers & Comments”
All Welcome. Koha to defray expenses please
Organised by EcuAction, a Canterbury based Interfaith Network.
Further info from:, or Marilyn 021 061 3940 or Mary 021 387 088

Open Forum, Tuesday 14 May, 7-9pm

Growing our understanding of Islam

The past couple of months have highlighted for many of us how little we know about the Muslim faith, both locally and globally. Rev Dr Bill Shepard will be speaking from his life-time of interfaith understanding. Bring your questions about Islam, and the issues that lie behind the acts of terror we have recently witnessed.

Bill Shepard lectured in Religious Studies at Canterbury University for many years, specialising in Islam. 

All welcome. No cost. Supper included.

Kowhai Lounge, Cashmere Presbyterian Church, 2 Macmillan Ave

Thank You: $560 was raised by our special offering to the Te Raranga (all churches) gift to help victims of the massacre in Christchurch.

Fireside: Women are very welcome to join us at any meeting whether they come just occasionally or regularly.   Fireside is “the women’s group” of our church which usually meets on the last Tuesday evening of each month.   We plan to meet at 7.30pm on Tuesday 30 April in the Church Lounge at 43 St Martins Road.  Diane Claughton will talk about the conference organised by the United Nations that she attended recently.  Enquiries:  ph Margaret 336 8936.

Office Hours: Anna’s Friday hours this week 3rd May will be 11am-1pm.

Men’s Group meets this Thursday 2nd May in the church lounge, beginning with a shared tea at 6pm. Rob Meier will be sharing some travel stories. Tony Blackler 332 0554.

Articles are now required for the next ‘Messenger’. Deadline is Friday 17th May. Email contributions to Thank you.

For your diaries: The next Parish Breakfast is on Sunday 12th May, hosted by the Men’s Group.

Wednesday Walkers: 1st May check with Sonya 339 7038 for this week’s destination.

LAST CHANCE to order bacon today: Hellers Short Cut Middle Bacon. $8.00 per pack 400gm (12-14 slices). Delivery late May (date to be advised). Joan 337 1648.

Crafty Crafters: Meets on Thursdays in the Church lounge 10am-12noon. New faces are always welcome. $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey 388  1264 for more information.

Managers’ Report

Council Rubbish bins… have been purchased.  The red and yellow bins need to be kept locked inside.  They are a common source of material for church arsonists.  The green bin will be kept outside.

Church cleaning… will be undertaken commercially every two weeks.  All users will need to check floors after use and use the vacuum cleaner stored in the kitchen to remove crumbs etc.

Building contract….all payments will be finalised shortly.  We anticipate all our reserve funds will be extinguished to meet final payments.

Insurance….a revaluation of the church for insurance purposes is in progress.

Insulation… the manse is being upgraded to meet 2008 standards.

Church piano…. has been repaired and tuned.  We still have a second piano to give away.

Security fencing…..we have 10 sections of fencing for sale.  If you know of someone seeking portable fencing please contact the office.

South Elder Care….we approved an application to the Manchester Unity Welfare Fund to running expenses of our Elder Care Programme (approx. $8,000).  We also approved including in this application funding to purchase a defibrillator for use on site.  (approx. $2,500)

Compliance….as part of Council Compliance for our building we have to have a number of regular checks of systems within the building.  Eg fire alarm.  These need to be undertaken by an Independent Qualified person (IQP).  We will engage an IQP shortly realising that this will be an added ongoing cost. (we estimate $500-1000 per annum)

Concreting around church….we are progressing well with removing old concrete and laying new concrete paths.   Bike racks are being installed.  Fencing will be installed to make the back part of the section secure, and a deck built out from the lounge sliding doors to create an indoor/outdoor space.

Spaces for hire…. We have set negotiable prices for hiring the auditorium, lounge, and meeting space.   A conditions of use contract and booking form have also been drawn up and all users (including church users will need to fill out the booking form so we can accurately maintain a booking schedule for spaces.  We need to generate income from building usage to help meet costs of maintaining and running the complex.  These spaces have also been advertised on our website.

Lockdown and security…. We do not have secure private spaces in the complex.  Our best defence is vigilance and for those who are on door duty to seek police assistance if there is any suspicious behaviour.  Security cameras are installed around the property and more will be installed.