Sunday 4 August 2019


A very warm welcome to you all this morning. After the service please come through to the Lounge for a cuppa and a time to chat.

Annual Reports are now due. Please e-mail them to Anna before Friday 16th August. Thank You. The AGM is scheduled for 15th September.

Wednesday Walkers 7th August: Meet 9.30am at Riccarton House carpark for a walk around Riccarton. Coffee at Riccarton House. All welcome. Janette 021 075 6780. 

Crafty Crafters: Meets on Thursdays in the Church lounge 10am-12noon. $3 per session. Contact Lyndsey 388 1264 for more information.

Working Bee THIS Saturday August 10th at 9am. Tasks will include: preparing section for grass seed (shifting soil, raking), window cleaning, shifting boxes, clearing out shed one.

Articles are now required for the next ‘Messenger’. Please e-mail any contributions to before Friday 23rd August.

Rosters: Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to clean the church over the last few months. We are now looking for people to volunteer for  September – December. Pop your name on the clipboard in the foyer if you can help.

Lawn Mowing: Now that we are back on site, and with spring around the corner (hopefully!) we also require people to volunteer to mow the church lawns from the beginning of September through to autumn. If you’re interested, please speak to Barry Moore 338 4622, or leave a message at the Office.

Check out the Jam Stall – there could be something new you haven’t tried!

THANK YOU to Rob, Keith, Cyril & David for the work they have been doing building gates & decks.

MenzShed meets next on Monday 12th August at 6pm in the Lounge.

Meditation Group…About ten people are meeting each week to spend time in stillness (20 mins) with a small message of teaching.  Tuesdays 7.00-7.45pm in the Lounge. New members are always welcome or speak with Jeannette & David, Keith, Janet, or Helen.

TONIGHT at 7pm in the Knox Church Lounge, Bealey Ave, Hugh Wilson will be speaking about his work in restoring native vegetation at Hinewai Reserve on Banks Peninsula. We hope to screen the short film “Fools and Dreamers”  about Hugh and his work. All welcome. Bring your own drinks and nibbles; tea and coffee provided. Koha to support the work at Hinewai welcomed.

Court Theatre trip Thursday 19th September 6.30pm to see “The Pink Hammer”, a Kiwi comedy. Money in a NAMED envelope to Sue Saunders please TODAY. Cost will be $49 & $37 for Community Services Card holders (please include a copy of each person’s card in in the envelope with the money). Names onto the clipboard in the foyer please.

The Hope Seminar: responding to creation in crisis

Equipping Christians to integrate faith, theology and lifestyle.

Inspiring momentum towards living sustainably.

When? Saturday 17 August, 6.30–9.00pm

Where? Beach Campus, Grace Vineyard, 111 Seaview Rd, New Brighton

Speakers & Workshops:

Scottie Young, Grace Vineyard: “Our children’s inheritance”

Carolyn Robertson, Chch East Anglican: “Living smaller”

Simon Kingham, UC Geography Professor: “Environmental Justice”

Silvia Purdie, Cashmere Presbyterian: “Jesus and the Vineyard”

An event of A Rocha Christchurch and Creation Care Grace Vineyard

Koha entry. Supper provided


Facebook: ‘The Hope Seminar’, in A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand

Phone: Silvia on 027 242 1113