A very warm welcome to you all this morning. Please come through to the Lounge after the service for a cuppa and a time to talk.
All the congregation are welcome: Learn to make flax flowers – which will give a New Zealand touch to our Christmas services – at the Fireside meeting this Tuesday 29th October in the church lounge. The meeting will be at 7.45pm, allowing the meditation group who meet earlier some peace and quiet before we arrive.
Allison has arranged for Peg
Riley to teach us and she
will explain custom as well
as flax purpose. She said “We will need a
flax leaf – long if possible, cut just the day
before, the fresher the better!!, at least one per person, but we can have two
or more if you like! Sharp scissors are helpful, (but you only need one good pair as we can share,)
for cutting to length as we start.” Please come and join us.
Parish Breakfast NEXT Sunday 8.45am, hosted by the Worship Committee. Gold coin koha appreciated.
Prepare for next Sunday: read Luke 19:1-10, the story of Zacchaeus.
Assisted Dying….local churches are offering an opportunity to learn more about this important legislation at 7.00pm on Sunday 10th November at Opawa Baptist Church. More details coming.
Singing Group…. meets 9.15am sharp on the first and third Sundays. Next week’s song is a surprise!
Articles are now required for the next ‘Messenger’.
Please email any contributions to Deadline: Friday 14th November.
Meditation Group: Tuesdays 7.00-7.45pm in the church this week. You’re welcome to ‘come and try’.
Anna will not be in the Office this Thursday 31st October.
Wednesday Walkers 30th Oct: Azaleas & Riverside Market Meet 9.30am in the Botanic Gardens Car Park off Armagh Street in the first area near the tennis courts. We will walk through the Gardens to view the Azaleas on our way to the Market. Coffee probably at Ilex. Sonya 027 253 3397
Crafty Crafters Bus Trip Thursday 31st October: Please be at the church no later than 9.15am – we depart 9.30am sharp.
Dis-Ability – an evening with Roland Walter. Tuesday 12 November 7pm at Cashmere Presbyterian Church. Koha entry. Supper provided. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to meet Roland and hear his story. Roland Walter is spastically paralyzed. He doesn’t allow this to impede him in any way. By expressing his thoughts through art, dance and assisted speech he shares his message with the world: Nothing is impossible. No matter who you are, life is a gift which should be embraced.
Next Sunday will be the final service at St Anne’s. The congregation will now meet at St Mark’s School while the church in Opawa Rd is repaired.
Community Market Day TOMORROW 10am-2pm All
Saints Church 305 New Brighton Rd.
Board of Managers Report:
Landscaping… A fence with gates will shortly be installed between the church and the Menzshed community room. The new grass is growing well…. Thanks to Cyril.
Shelving … a plan for more storage shelving in the upstairs store and shed one is being worked on.
Table storage in lounge and foyer… Simple racks have been installed and seem to be working well.
Menzshed… The classroom block has been transported on site to be used as a woodworking workshop. Currently we are gathering the data to make a consent application. This involves structural design of pile foundations, and a fire engineers report. We hope to have a consent application into the council by the end of the month, which if successful would allow work to begin in December to place the building on piles and do the needed fire improvements. This work will be funded by a grant from the Alpine Mission fund for $22,000.
Working Bee… working bee on Saturday 30th November, 9.00am. There will be clearing work around the section, window washing, and other matters to be attended to.
Corrugated roof over the kitchen and toilets…. Will be replaced over the Christmas period.
Grass Bins….the old 44gal drums will be removed and grass clippings will now be put in the council green bin.
Accounts for payment…. Our expenses over the last 2 months included paying insurance of $7,800, electricity $1300, and amounted to $26,000. Our income for the period was $29,300, but this included our grant from Manchester Unity Trust of $11,000 to support the work of our Elder Care Programme.
Financial Situation…. A small task group has been set up to look at how we might lift our giving and general income to allow us to seek a full time ministry position. If we restricted ongoing maintenance to absolute essentials we believe we would need to find another $40,000 per annum. If the congregation were to accept this challenge it would mean increased giving, an emphasis on inviting others to join us, and some creative fundraising in the wider community.