A very warm welcome to you all this morning. Please come through to the Lounge after the service for a cuppa and a time to talk. Many thanks to Rev Nancy-Jean Whitehead for leading this morning’s worship.
Articles & photos are desperately required for the next ‘Messenger’ by THIS THURSDAY. Please email any contributions to anneke.howie@gmail.com
Assisted Dying….local churches are offering an opportunity to learn more about this important legislation at 7pm TONIGHT at Opawa Baptist Church.
Singing Group…. meets 9.15am sharp on the first and third Sundays.
The Parish Office will be closed on Friday 15th November (Show Day).
Meditation Group: Tuesdays 7.00-7.45pm in the lounge. You’re welcome to ‘come and try’.
Wednesday Walkers 13th Nov: Meet 9.30am in Brookford Pl, off Cashmere Rd, Westmorland. Gerard & Thea will lead us on our walk around the area. Coffee at Alice in Wonderland Café, at Oderings Cashmere.All welcome. Sonya 027 253 3397
MenzShed is still waiting for a fire report before we can proceed to applying for a consent and placing the classroom on piles.
Crafty Crafters every Thursday 10am-12noon in the lounge. $3 per session. Bring along an unfinished item, or try a new one. All are welcome. Lyndsey 388 1264.
Christmas Gifts for Waltham Community Cottage: Sundays 1, 8 & 15 December. Please bring the kind of gifts you would like to receive or you would give to your loved ones. Gifts are required for men, women, teenagers, boys and girls. The staff choose the gift for the client from what is given by our congregation.Wrapping paper and cards also appreciated. Edible items are very welcome (please bring these on the December 15th only).
Garden City Orchestra celebrates 20 years of music on Saturday 23rd November 7pm at Salvation Army Citadel, 853 Colombo St. $10 entry and gold coin supper.