Sunday 1st December 2019

A very warm welcome to you all this morning. Please come through to the Lounge after the service for a cuppa and a time to talk.

Giving Review..Last week Dugald outlined our current financial situation.  We currently employ a minister 2/3rds time, but would like to increase this to a full time position. 

With Dugald’s retirement we have to advise the Ministry Settlement Board what level of ordained ministry we are able to sustain.   A Giving Review Team is currently looking at a range of options we have to increase income, but a key area is our regular offerings which need to increase by at least $15,000 per annum to meet projected costs. 

You will receive a letter today asking you to review your giving and respond with your pledge to increase giving to your church.  The Giving Review Team will give more information next Sunday (8th Dec) to guide you in your decision making. 

To enable us to advise the Ministry Settlement Board we are asking for responses to be returned to the silver box in the foyer or directly to our Treasurer by Sunday 22nd December.

Singing Group…. meets 9.15am sharp on the first and third Sundays.

Meditation Group meets in the lounge every Tuesday 6.45pm.

Wednesday Walkers 4th Dec: Trip to Leithfield. See Sonya for details.

St Martins Fund Raiser: Handmade greeting cards for sale in foyer every Sunday. $3 each. Special cards made to order. See Janette. All proceeds to St Martins.

Carboot Sale: Saturday 14th December 9-11am at St Mark’s Church, Opawa Rd. Come and do some early Christmas shopping!

Crafty Crafters every Thursday 10am-12noon in the lounge. $3 per session. Bring along an unfinished item, or try a new one. All are welcome. Lyndsey 388 1264.

Christmas Gifts for Waltham Community Cottage: Sundays 8 & 15 December. Please bring the kind of gifts you would like to receive or you would give to your loved ones. Gifts are required for  men, women, teenagers, boys and girls. The staff choose the gift for the client from what is given by our congregation. Wrapping paper and cards also appreciated. Edible items are very welcome (bring these on the 15th  only).

Jam Stall…check out the jam stall today – there might be something you haven’t tried! Sue 960 7657.

South Brighton Voices concert next Sunday 8th December 2pm at St John’s Church, Ferry Rd, Woolston. Tickets $20, available from Lyndsey McKay.

The Plainsmen Barbershop Chorus present “A Christmas Celebration” at the Transitional Cathedral Saturday 7th December 7.30pm. Door sales available. Adults $20, seniors $15.

Te Whare Koopu o Oterepo – Waltham Community Cottage.

20th Anniversary at 201 Hastings St East.

On Wednesday 13th November 65 people gathered together for a luncheon to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Cottage. There were people from the Community Board, past staff and people from the community who had been there when it first opened its doors.

The 20th anniversary of service to the community was also acknowledged in Parliament through a notice of motion put by Dr Duncan Webb MP.

The cottage was purchased by the Christchurch City Council and was officially opened at the end of July 1999. It moved from a home on the corner of Waltham Rd & Austin St, where the project had previously operated for the past ten years.

The Cottage is a 100 year old property that has managed to withstand the test of time especially through the earthquakes.

The Cottage continues to be a hub of activity where people come together from the community; be it young or old from all walks of life; the homeless, people from different cultures eg India, Pakistan, China.

St Martins Presbyterian Church has supported the Cottage right from the beginning nearly 30 years ago. Each week food has been collected to fill the food bank and more recently gifts have been given to be distributed to those in need at Christmas. There have been individuals within the church who have given in many and various ways.

On behalf of the Executive of the Cottage, I want to express our grateful thanks for the compassion shown and the support given over these past 20 or more years. Long may it continue.

Lyndsey McKay

Convenor, Executive Committee

Te Whare Koopu o Oteropo – Waltham Community Cottage.