Sunday 5th April 2020

Due to Coronavirus lock-down the St Martins facilities are closed until further notice.

Important information from Canterbury Civil Defence:

  • Social connection is hugely important – keep phoning people and stay in touch.
  • Refer any at-risk person with health needs to Healthline 0800 358 5453.  
  • For any financial needs they should call the Government Helpline 0800 779 997. 

Moderator’s live streaming of devotions every Sunday at 9am.             Together we will feel and share the love of Jesus Christ, the great healer. This devotion is one way that our Church can be there for each other and them. Let’s share our hope and pray together for each other. Go to the Moderator’s Facebook page Please share these links widely. Let us show we are together apart, and fully present. 

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” John 14:27 Right Reverend Fakaofo Kaio, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand

From the Session Clerk:

Alpine Presbytery Council have advised and appointed the Rev Dr Matthew Jack (currently Minister of Knox Church, ChCh) as St Martins temporary Interim Moderator – that is until a Stated Supply begins at St Martins.

Good wishes to St Martins have been received from Barry Ayers (Executive Officer – Alpine Presbytery), Phil Harris – Human Resources and Dave Theyers (MSB Chair).

Dugald Wilson has also sent greetings and the hope that everyone is keeping safe and well. He comments that –

“The meditation group is keeping going.  We are probably not going to do a zoom connection each week, but I’ll send out regular emails to keep people connected.

Menzshed has of course cut all working bees, but there may be some lone workers doing some work on preparing the facility.    We have been hit with a range on unforeseen costs including a rather large bill from council to process the consent.  We asked for a waiver but to no effect.  We can get a building on site for free, but to meet consent and get it on piles etc will end up costing $40,000.”

Anna continues to oversee office proceedings from her home. Thank you Anna. Email her if you would like to receive an up to date phone list.

And Sonya Hodder has advised that if there is anything that you are aware of in the community that is of concern, please let her know before Thursday say 6pm as she has been asked to go on a video link with Council, Police Community, and other Resident Groups to discuss areas of concern to look at how they should be addressed. (

Thank you to everyone who is keeping in touch with folk who are not on email. That phone call makes a lot of difference.

From all accounts there are lot of cupboards and pantries being cleaned and sorted, a mouse to be found! – and an office that has been like an expedition to darkest Peru and unearthed some lost treasures.

And don’t forget – this weekend ‘clocks go back’.

“I am a firm believer in the people.

If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis.

The great point is to bring them the real facts.” 

Abraham Lincoln (A real President)

Go well, go safely.


A Prayer in Lockdown

“The doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked” (John 20:19)

Ever present God

be with us in our isolation

be close to us in our distancing

be healing in our sickness

be joy in our sadness

be light in our darkness

be wisdom in our confusion

be all that is familiar when all is unfamiliar

that when the doors re-open

we may with the zeal of Pentecost

inhabit our communities and speak of your goodness

to an emerging world.

For Jesus’ sake. Amen.