Due to Coronavirus lock-down the St Martins facilities are closed until further notice. See information below for service details.
Moderator’s Easter message – He is Risen
Jesus the Christ is
risen, indeed.
The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid… Jesus, who was crucified…. he is risen, just as he said. Go quickly and tell his disciples. He has risen from the dead” (Matthew 28:5-7).
Rejoice and be glad that our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross, did rise from the tomb. Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures. Every page, every word foretold about the Messiah of God, prophesied by God’s prophets since the beginning of time, came true.
Jesus the Christ of God has risen.
This risen Christ spoke to the women, “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to
Galilee, there they will see me” (Matthew 28:10). The encouragement from the angel, and the words of our Lord
Jesus speak to us clearly! “Do not be afraid”. The disciples were
terrified, they had lost all hope at Golgotha. Judas
betrayed Jesus, Peter denied him, most of them scattered for fear from the Roman soldiers and of the religious authorities. They were
lost and afraid.
Brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ our Lord Saviour died and rose from the tomb. What does it mean for us?
It means salvation, eternity with God is ours, if we
believe and accept that Jesus is Lord. That he came
to redeem humanity back to God. He taught and exemplified the way of the
Kingdom of God. His resurrection defeated death. His
sacrifice, the perfect Lamb of God, paid for our transgressions. Jesus
personifies the love of God, in life, in death, in
resurrection. May we sing
everyday with the faithful gone before us, “He is Lord, He is Lord. He has
risen from the dead and he is Lord. Every knee shall
bend, every tongue confess. That Jesus Christ is Lord”. Alleluia, Praise the Lord, Amen.
Beloved, do not be
afraid. Jesus is risen. Nothing on earth,
in heaven and in the world below can separate us from the love of God, in Jesus Christ. This was Paul’s words in encouraging the early
church. Especially the persecuted faith community in
Rome. Do not be afraid. Be careful out
there. Be wise in life, be strong in the faith. Be kind to everyone. Be the
light of Christ in our challenging times. Jesus said, “And surely I am with you always to the
very end of age” (Matthew 28:26).
Yours in Christ’s service
Right Reverend
Fakaofo Kaio
Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New
Moderator’s live
streaming of devotions every Sunday at 9am. Go to the Moderator’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/modpcanz/
Charitable Giving Tax Credit
Our treasurer, Joan Macdonald, will have available your receipts for you once the COVID19 lockdown is over.
You may have been considering donating your Charitable Giving Tax Credit to the church. For more information, contact Joan – 337 1648.
From the Session Clerk:
Alpine Presbytery Council have advised and appointed the Rev Dr Matthew Jack (currently Minister of Knox Church, ChCh) as St Martins temporary Interim Moderator – that is until a Stated Supply begins at St Martins.
Are you aware of any parishioners who may have an email address that we don’t have? Let Anna know. Email Anna also: stmartpresch@xtra.co.nz if you would like to receive an up to date parish phone list.
Rob McLean was 99 last Sunday and Margaret was able to spend a couple of hours with him. The family were able to join them electronically!
Happy birthday to all those folk having birthdays during this week – but especially to John England who, on the 13th April, celebrates a very special milestone. Congratulations John.
From the Council: Unite Against Covid-19
Thanks for heeding the call to Stay Home, Save Lives. If you’re going out for fresh air, stay local. Take care of yourselves and stay connected with family and friends over the phone.
If you need welfare assistance, call the CCC helpline 0800 24 24 11
Ratepayers facing financial hardship will be able to defer the rate payments for up to six months.
When walking the dog, please take used dog poo bags home with you.
Please keep neighbourhood noise down.
Kerbside rubbish collection continues as normal.
Water restrictions have been lifted.
For health advice, contact Healthline 0800 358 5453. If you are feeling unwell, call your GP before you visit.
Call the free Government Helpline 0800 779 997 (8am-1am) 7 days a week if you need advice.
Keep an eye on the official website – Covid19.govt.nz – for updates.
A Message from the Moderator of Alpine Presbytery
To the people of our churches in Alpine Presbytery
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
I do hope and pray that you and your family are coping with these strange times we find ourselves in. Hopefully too, you are finding ways to stay connected both with your family and friends as well as with your church community. Although many things are restricted at present, there are still opportunities to renew old connections or maybe meet your neighbours – from a safe distance, perhaps, even, for the first time – and I hope you are finding ways to do this. Reaching out, in whatever ways we can, is especially important as we go through this time, in order to protect those among us who have vulnerable health, but also to build appropriate bridges once the Covid-19 levels are lifted.
During this time when we cannot physically meet and activities that might have previously helped support the church are suspended, all of our churches will be feeling the strain financially. I want to humbly put a suggestion to you that I would like you to give your careful and prayerful consideration to.
I wonder if you would, if you do not do so already, consider redirecting any tax rebate that you receive from donations through the last year, back to your church. The Government is, currently, kind enough to encourage this generosity by paying us back one third of the donated amounts if our churches are registered as charities. It seems to me to be reasonable to make that third, which was initially given to the church, back to the church. This would provide at least some initial help to your parish over what is likely to be time of considerable struggle with cashflow. Martin and I have practiced this discipline for the past thirteen years, and of course, it follows that each year our donations grow without any noticeable pain to our own living!
Secondly, there is a bit of talk around about remembering to be missional in this time of hunkering down. I think this is timely in that when we are under threat we tend to want to tighten up and withdraw, believing that survival is paramount. Can I encourage you in these times to do the opposite; to be more open to your community, braver in our call to be generous, and remembering always that relationships are missional in their very core. Don’t be afraid to offer care and kindness to others, be confident that there is enough of these things to go around when God is at work among us! While we are unable to start, or continue, new programmes or activities, we can chat with a neighbour, over the fence or down a drive on your daily walks, or on the phone. The most common thing I hear in talking around our parish is ‘I have great neighbours!’ That is such a good thing to be hearing. May I also encourage you in the holy art of being great neighbours!
Go well in Christ, and please stay well!!
Rev Anne Stewart
Alpine Presbytery Moderator
An Easter Prayer –
Christ, we thank you for all rebirths.
We thank you for forgiveness and for second chances,
both for ourselves and others.
This Easter season, as, in this part of the world,
the trees are painted with autumn colours
and nature is readying itself for winter rest,
help us all to be at peace, calm, thoughtful
yet mindful of the needs of others,
and to be the people you mean us to be.
Here’s the link to Beckenham Methodist’s services:http://www.bmc.nz/?fbclid=IwAR2hgjhhyF4ICjd49Yki-zhQ4iIdJtA4Yp1CajaOgWA7AclPwcs_hb84Mzk