You are invited to Sunday worship with the St Martins Presbyterian congregation via Zoom. To join us, just click on the link below:
Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158
A very warm welcome to all who worship online with us today.
Please wear a mask when you leave your home and keep a 2 metre distance from others.
If you are sick, call Healthline 0800 358 5453 or your GP and arrange to get tested.
For up-to-date advice, go to
The Annual General Meeting has been rescheduled and will now be held on Sunday 3rd October 2021, following Morning Worship. Therefore, the Annual Reports will not be emailed out until after September 15.
From Rob & Barbara Meier with apologies for taking so long (and not being able to thank people in person)!:
We sincerely appreciate the generous support from the parish for Your Sisters Orphanage. Over $860 has been donated to date – if there are any further donations, please contact Joan Mac this week to arrange.
Wednesday Walkers 15 September – to be confirmed. Phone Sonya 027 253 3397 if you are not on the email list.
The Parish Garden Party scheduled for Saturday 16th October has been postponed.
A new Sunday Roster will be available soon– thank you to those people who have ‘volunteered’ to read or lead the prayers of the people whilst worship is on Zoom. Anna.
Revised Level-2-compliant Hope Seminar which is still on next week on Sunday 19 September! A Rocha and the Transitional Cathedral are very pleased to be able to offer this event both in person at the Cathedral, and online via live stream, 5-7pm.
Climate change piles onto our other sources of stress, including Covid, with significant impacts on human wellbeing. The Hope Seminar brings insights from scripture, Christian faith, mental health, Maori tikanga and practical creation care as we explore the theme of ’Shalom’. Please register to reserve your place, or to join in the live-stream.
Register from the A Rocha NZ website:
What’s on This Week:
Tuesday 10am – 2.30pm South Elder Care. Jeannette 332 9869.
Tuesday 7.15pm Christian Meditation Group. Contact Dugald 380 5024.
Wednesday 9.30am Contact Sonya 027 253 3397 for details.
Wednesday 7pm Global Voices choir. Nick 027 2255142.
Thursday 10am – 12 noon Crafty Crafters. Bring along your own craft items or learn a new skill. $3 per session. Jeannette 332 9869.
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit. Anneke 328 7459.