Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship
To Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today, and many thanks to Rev Alan Webster for leading our service this morning.
The Golden Rules for worship under “Red Light” setting:
- If you’re coming to worship in person, you must hold a vaccine pass
- If you’re sick or feeling unwell, get tested and isolate if you’re required to. Use Zoom on Sundays.
- If you plan to be in Church, wear a mask that is firmly in place and fully covers your nose and mouth.
- Please continue to wear your mask until seated at morning tea.
- You must sign in using the app or the paper copy – this is mandatory.
Daylight Saving ends NEXT Sunday 3rd April – please remember to change your clocks!!
Wednesday Walkers 30th March: meet 9.30am at the Bus Exchange for a walk around the city. Coffee at Child Sister near Margaret Mahy Playground. All welcome. Sue 960 7657.
Easter Eggs for Waltham Cottage: next Sunday is your final opportunity to bring these along. Many thanks to those who have already donated some Easter treats.
Dates for your diaries:
Movie Night Saturday 30th April 5.15pm “Fiddler on the Roof”
Parish Breakfast Sunday 1st May 8.30am
Parish Lunch Sunday 3rd July to celebrate our 94th anniversary
The door access code has been changed – please see Anna if you require the new one.
EASTER Services:
14th April 7.30pm Maundy Thursday service at St Mark’s School Hall
15th April 9.30am Good Friday Service
17th April 10am Easter Day Holy Communion
Couplands Hot Cross Buns – this is a fundraiser for St Mark’s Opawa Building project (which is very nearly finished). $5 for a packet of six. Traditional & chocolate available. See Anna to place an order by this Friday 1 April. Delivery date 13th April. Payment with order appreciated.
Batteries – there is now a container in the foyer for used batteries – bring along any old small batteries that are used for the numerous devices we look at or wear in our ears. Do not dispose of them in the red bin!
Fireside meeting Wednesday 30th March in the church lounge from 1.30pm. If we are able to meet it will be informal like last month, just for conversation and to see each other, masked, bringing your own afternoon tea if you would like some, hoping we can actually be outside. Any women are welcome to join us but it would be a good idea to check first that we are able to meet. Enquiries: Margaret 366 8936 Yes, more Easter Eggs for distribution – to bring a smile on the face and sent with our Easter greetings to our elderly. The Pastoral team want your help in distributing Easter eggs and our greetings to older members in our community who are unable to be with us for whatever reasons on a Sunday morning. They may live in a village or in their own homes. We ask if you could bring 1 or 2 wrapped Easter eggs on Sunday 3rd April and place them in the basket provided. We will then organise them for distribution over Easter – they can be collected by you Good Friday morning & Easter Sunday service. We have a list of names of people/addresses for distribution. You may need to leave them in the office at villages as people may be in lockdown. Thank you so much Lyndsey. FOUND – a gold coloured key, in the church foyer on Friday 18th March. Is it yours? Contact Anna in the Office. A Prayer for Ukraine from the Archbishops of Canterbury & York: God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen |
Monday 9.30am NO St Mark’s Elder Care Therese 021 2516282.
Tuesday 9.30am South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.
Tuesday 7.15pm Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007.
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: City. Sue 960 7657.
Wednesday 1.30pm Fireside meeting (lounge). Margaret 366 8936.
Wednesday 7.30pm Global Voices (lounge) Nick 027 2255142.
Thursday 10am Crafty Crafters (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit(church) Anneke 021 0774065.
Thursday 5.30-7.30pm Familial Trust mentor group. Vanessa 981 1093.
Friday 10.30am Sing & Sign (lounge). Rebecca 022 0862211.