Sunday 4th September 2022

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship

To Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning.

The Golden Rules under the “Orange Light” setting:

  • If you’re sick or feeling unwell, get tested and isolate if you’re required to. Use Zoom on Sundays.
  • In Church, please wear a mask that is firmly in place and fully covers your nose and mouth.
  • Please continue to wear your mask until seated at morning tea. If you are uncomfortable about joining in morning tea please know that it is perfectly fine to not stay.

Next Sunday’s reading is: Luke 15:1-10

Wednesday Walkers 7th September: meet 9.30am in the Botanic Gardens Armagh Street carpark near the bridge into the Gardens.  Coffee at Ilex. All welcome. Sonya 027 253 3397

Annual Reports are now available, in both digital form and printed copies. The Annual General Meeting of parishioners is on Sunday 18th September following morning worship. Any items of general business and apologies must be given to Irene please.

Art Masterclass HERE Friday 14th October 1.30pm – 4.30pm: John Gillies, well known Christchurch artist and one of our regular Sunday Zoomers, has offered a rare opportunity to attend a ‘masterclass’ in painting. John will demonstrate his painting techniques and offer the opportunity for participants to create a canvas under his guidance. $25 per person (payable in advance please). Be quick – spaces are filling up fast! Email the Parish Office to register with Anna or Don no later than Sunday 02 October.

Your Sisters Orphanage: Sincere thanks for the wonderful donations received  – over $1200 to date and rising! Rob & Barb.

Motion for the Parish AGM: The Parish Council is asking the congregation to ratify a decision it made at its June meeting.

“That Parish Councillors be appointed to the Parish Council for a three year term and be eligible for re-election at the end of each three year term”

Should the AGM agree to this proposal, the following ‘retirement roster’ would become effective.

Retiring at AGM 2022: Elizabeth Hawker; Rob Meier

Retiring at AGM 2023: Allison Blackler; David Hodder; Hilary Moore; Peter Mechaelis; Fern Wakefield

Retiring at AGM 2024: Irene Gray   (as Parish Clerk, appointed for a 5 year term and eligible for a further 2 years); Sue Saunders; Joan Macdonald; Sonya Hodder; Barry Moore; Warren Pettigrew

Retiring at AGM 2025: Catherine Fitchett

Don Fergus 02 September 2022


Monday 1.30pm                Hillsborough-Heathcote WI (lounge) Jennifer 332 3314.

Tuesday 9.30am               South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.

Tuesday 7.15pm               Meditation Group (church) Dugald 021 161 7007.

Wednesday 9.30am          Walking Group: Botanic Gardens. Sonya 027 2533397.

Wednesday 9.30am          Port Hills U3A (whole complex) Malcolm 022 0979589.

Thursday 10am                 Crafty Crafters (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.

Thursday 1.30pm              Sit & Be Fit(church) Anneke 021 077 4065.

Thursday 5.30pm              Familial Trust (whole complex) Vanessa 981 1093.

Friday 10.30am                 Sing & Sign (lounge) Rebecca 022 0862211.