Sunday 12th February 2023


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. We thank the Rev Alan Webster for leading today’s service.

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158

We give thanks for the long life of Rob McLean and we pray for Margaret and the family as they mourn.

Items are required for the next “Messenger”  ~ please email any contributions to Charlotte & Sally ( by Sunday 5th March. Many thanks.

Wednesday Walkers 15th February: Meet 9.30am at the Sumner Surf Club carpark for a walk around Sumner. Coffee at On the Beach café. All are welcome. Judith 027 6881861.

ASH WEDNESDAY 22 February – you are invited to observe Ash Wednesday with our neighbours at St Mark’s Anglican Church, 101 Opawa Rd. 10am or 7.30pm. All are welcome.

CaraMayan Fitness Aotearoa NZ Tour Christchurch Training Day 2 March C3 Church South City Youth Hall 510 Colombo St. Register your interest: or contact Robyn 021 2695465 for more information.

Food for thought – Committed and connected:
‘In Christ we, though many, form one body.’ Romans 12:5 NIV The Bible describes the Christian life in war terms: fight, conquer, strive, battle, overcome, victory. You’re in a spiritual battle whether you realise it or not, and you need support and backup. As a Christian, you’re a member of God’s army. Imagine you go to a recruiting office to join the army. They say, ‘Wonderful, sign here.’ You say: ‘Wait! I have one stipulation. I don’t want to be committed to any particular platoon. I want to be able to float around. I’ll be part of the army, but I don’t want to be committed to a certain group of soldiers. If the battle gets too hot in one area, I’ll move to another area and join another platoon. And if I dislike one platoon’s leadership, I’ll join another.’ Would you want a person like that fighting by your side? Of course you wouldn’t! But that’s how many Christians today relate to God’s army. They float around from church to church with little or no commitment to any particular group of Christians – so while the battle is being fought, they are AWOL. There is no such thing as a free-floating believer in the Bible. The difference between just attending church and becoming a member is like the difference between just living together and getting married. The distinction is commitment. The Greek word for fellowship is koinonia, which means being committed to one another. Jesus said, ‘By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another’ (John 13:35 NIV). And you can’t love in absentia. So, be committed and connected. (from The Word for Today)


Monday 1.30pm                Hillsborough-Heathcote WI (lounge) Jennifer 332 3314.

Tuesday 9.30am               South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.

Tuesday 7.15pm               Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007.

Wednesday 9.30am           Walking Group: Sumner. Judith 027 688 1861.

Thursday 10am                 Crafty Crafters (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.

Thursday 1.30pm              Sit & Be Fit(church) Anneke 021 077 4065.

Friday 9.30am                   Sing & Sign (lounge) Becky 022 086 2211.