A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. We thank the Rev Dugald Wilson for leading today’s service. Hugh Perry will be with us next week.
Here’s our Zoom link –
Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158
Items are required for the next “Messenger” ~ please email any contributions to Charlotte & Sally ( by Sunday 5th March. Many thanks.
Wednesday Walkers 22nd February: Meet 9.30am at bus stop by St Martins Library to catch the Huntsbury bus scheduled to leave at 9.44am. We will bus to the terminus and then walk down the hill to catch the Orbiter near Major Aitken Drive/Centaurus Road, arriving back to starting point for coffee at the cafe at St Martins New World. All are welcome. Joan Macdonald 022 081 4088.
ASH WEDNESDAY 22 February – you are invited to observe Ash Wednesday with our neighbours at St Mark’s Anglican Church, 101 Opawa Rd. 10am or 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Monday 9.30am Pastoral Care meeting (lounge) Irene 332 7306.
Tuesday 9.30am South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.
Tuesday 7.15pm Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007.
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: Huntsbury Joan 022 081 4088.
Thursday 10am Crafty Crafters (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit(church) Anneke 021 077 4065.
Friday 9.30am Sing & Sign (lounge) Becky 022 086 2211.
From the Parish Council meeting:
- The meeting was chaired by our Interim Moderator – Reverend Dan Yeazel.
- Rev Stephanie Wells, Convenor of our current MSB was also present. She gave an update as to ‘where we were at’. Despite the Congregation approving the Parish Profile recently, and the fact that those Minutes had been confirmed at the Parish Council meeting in December, Presbytery had objected to how it was recorded. Because there were problems in communication and recording during the previous MSB’s tenure, Presbytery appear to be ‘dotting I’s and crossing t’s’ very carefully. Therefore the Parish Profile – along with the Terms of Call and Skill Sets was moved and seconded again. This delay has meant that advertising for a new Minister has not happened, although Stephanie has spoken to several ‘prospective’ candidates. Stephanie was thanked for her report and also her dedication to her role as Convenor.
- The preaching roster of Ministers who will take services at St Martins has been filled through until the end of May. Special thanks to Allison Blackler and the Worship team for their work in this regard.
- To help rectify current problems associated with ‘Zoom’ it was agreed to purchase a new camera.
- Special thanks to Colin Wilmshurst for all the extra work and time he has given sorting some of the technical issues.
- MENZ Shed is booming and there is a possibility that it will be open 4 days a week.
- Hilary Moore, as St Martins Presbyterian Child Protection Officer, will attend a training on Saturday (18/2) with regard to children in church, their safety and wellbeing.
- We are looking to close our Facebook page and bring up to date the current Web site.
- Consideration that St Martins become an A Rocha church.
A Lenten Challenge…
The forty days of Lent begin this week with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. In today’s service a challenge was issued to listen more attentively to Jesus in our lives as Christians. During Lent you are invited to:
- Read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5-7 – a core summary of Jesus’ teaching
- Ask more often WWJD – What Would Jesus Do? – talk about this with others and be bold in your actions
- Ask each day, “where did I meet Jesus?” or “where did I feel most alive?” Jesus came to bring life so when we encounter the presence of Jesus (in others, or within ourselves we will feel more alive)