Sunday 19th March 2023


A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. We thank the Rev Dugald Wilson for leading today’s service. Hugh Perry will be with us next week.

Here’s our Zoom link –

Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158

Wednesday Walkers 22nd March: Meet 9.30am in Westfield Carpark outside Columbus Coffee, adjacent to theOrbiter stop. Sue 960 7657.

Easter Eggs for Waltham Cottage – when you’re doing your groceries pop in a packet or two of Easter Eggs for the Cottage. Last day to donate them is Sunday 2 April.

Last week to order your hot cross buns: $5 for half dozen. Available in traditional or chocolate. Email Anna ( to order before 26 March. This is a fundraiser for our neighbours at St Mark’s Opawa.

Opawa Community Church are hosting a Passover Seder event on Saturday 1st April 6-9pm and an invitation is extended to anyone at St Martins if they would like to attend. Registration forms are available in the foyer. RSVP by 26/3. Suggested koha $15-$20. The evening will be hosted by Zohar Gonen and it involves a meal as well as going through all the procedure of the Passover. Contact Rev Craig Fairhall 027 751 3813 for more information.

Save the date: Movie night “Brassed Off” Saturday 29th April 5.15pm. “Funny, moving and heart warming” – for Danny it is music that embodies the spirit of the mining community in which he lives. But as the closure of the mines looms large on the horizon, not all the members of the Colliery Brass Band can share his passion. However, attitudes change with the arrival of the gorgeous Gloria and a new wave of enthusiasm sweeps through the band. Gloria’s former classmate Andy is particularly smitten as the band embarks on the battle for the National Championships. Conflicts soon begin to surface between friends, family, colleagues and lovers. Yet a defiant spirit is re-awoken in the band, leading them on a triumphant journey that will tell their story to the nation.

THIS WEEK AT ST MARTINS                          

Monday 1-4pm              Foot Clinic (lounge) Janette 021 075 6780.

Tuesday 10am              South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.

Tuesday 7.15pm           Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007.

Wednesday 9.30am      Walking Group: Riccarton. Sue 960 7657.

Thursday 10am             Crafty Crafters (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869.

Thursday 1.30pm          Sit & Be Fit(church) Anneke 021 077 4065.

Friday 9.30am               Sing & Sign (lounge) Becky 022 086 2211.

Saturday 10am-2pm     Inner Wheel meeting (lounge) Clare 021 139 6558.

Pastoral letter from the Moderator:

A couple of weeks ago I wrote to you and asked that you hold in your hearts those in the North Island impacted by flooding and the devastating Cyclone Gabrielle, which particularly affected the East Coast. 

Please continue to remember those who have lost lives, family and friends, homes and livelihoods. Continue to pray for strength and resilience for the people and churches and church leaders in the most impacted areas; they are being called upon to give so much, often while contending with their own difficult situations.  

When I wrote previously, we were in the process of contacting our presbyteries and reaching out to affected parishes. They continue to face very difficult and challenging circumstances. And a few of our parishes remain isolated.

So that we can share information as we receive it, we have created a PCANZ Cyclone and Floods updates page on the Church website. I encourage you to read there what our parishes and presbyteries are sharing on how they are working with their communities, what help they might need, and which relief funds they support.

You will see that our churches have responded amazingly well given the conditions and limitations they are under. Some are better resourced than others, yet all are responding as much as they can, in ways that they can. And warmth and hospitality are to the fore.

Mangapapa Union Church are dealing with terrible flood conditions, their foodbank has been overwhelmed with requests for assistance, yet they persevere overcoming numerous obstacles to make deliveries to isolated homes.

Wairoa Union Parish also face terrible flood conditions in an isolated community. Their halls have sheltered rest home residents and a play centre. They are supporting many in their community who have no insurance.

St John’s Presbyterian Church in Hastings is currently without a minister but continue their commitment to their community care ministry; buying groceries and cooking them to provide frozen meals to those in the community who need them most.

St Columba’s Presbyterian Church in Taradale continues to provide a warm welcoming space to talk and have a free cup of tea and coffee. Those without power can cook their food at the church, and they have also provided free meat and hot meals including dietary options.

St Columba’s Church, Havelock North have also provided a warm welcoming space, a place to talk, and for those without power a place to charge devices. They gathered blankets, clothing and other necessities on behalf of Civil Defence who distributed the goods within the first few days of the cyclone. Over the coming weeks, the church is donating to the Hawkes Bay Cyclone Relief Fund. The  church will host a performance by Lindisfarne College, Hastings, on Thursday 16 March, 12.30-1.20pm. If you can attend, please go. It will be koha only with proceeds to Cyclone Relief Fund.

On the topic of our Church Schools, we have seen an excellent fundraising initiative from St Andrew’s College, Christchurch. They fundraised $34,000 for those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle, with funds going to the New Zealand Red Cross Disaster Fund. Additionally, a $1,000 was given at their Middle School Chapel Service for St Andrew’s Church, Hastings (who are going from strength to strength with their GenLend initiative).

As we receive further news from our parishes and presbyteries, we will update the Church website page Keep checking it and keep in your thoughts and prayers all those on the hard road to recovery.

Yours in Christ 


Right Rev Hamish Galloway