A very warm welcome to all who worship with us this morning. Many thanks to Rev Don Fergus for leading our service today. Rev Dugald Wilson will be with us next Sunday.
Here’s our Zoom link –
Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158
Wednesday Walkers 8th November: Meet 9.30am at 194 Riverlaw Tce for a stroll around St Martins/Opawa. Coffee at Anneke’s. All welcome.
MOVIE NIGHT Saturday 25th November 5.15pm: Half a Sixpence – “If I had the money, I’d buy me a banjo” says struggling salesclerk Arthur Kipps (Tommy Steele). Soon he’ll inherit enough to buy a whole bloomin’ orchestra. But can his newfound wealth buy happiness?
Based on H.G. Wells novel ‘Kipps’ Arthur is introduced to the joys of Edwardian London music halls. With a cast of high-stepping, high-spirited singers and dancers having the time of their lives, Half a Sixpence gets you a million dollars’ worth of fun!
Monday 1.30pm Hillsborough-Heathcote WI Leone 332 3314
Tuesday 10am South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869
Tuesday 6-7pm Skating Club (lounge) Kirsty 021 329 765
Tuesday 7.15pm Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: St Martins/Opawa Anneke 021 077 4065
Wednesday 10am Scottish Country Dancers (lounge) Irene 332 7306
Thursday 10am Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit(church) Anneke 021 077 4065
Friday 9.30am Sing & Sign (lounge) Becky 022 086 2211