Here’s our Zoom link –
Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158
We give thanks for the life of Roger Allen and we pray for Gaynor and the family as they mourn. Roger’s memorial service will be here at St Martins on Friday 10th May in the afternoon (time to be confirmed). Volunteers to serve afternoon tea would be appreciated – please see Irene if you can help.
Wednesday Walkers 8th May: meet 9.30am in Botanic Gardens Armagh St carpark by the footbridge. Coffee at Bunsen. All welcome. Beth 027 651 8333 or Sonya 027 253 3397. Let’s hope the weather’s better this week!
Men’s Group invite anyone from the congregation who would like to attend: This month’s meeting will be visiting the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple in Riccarton Rd at 10am on Thursday 9th May. A 10 minute talk will precede a tour of the Temple. Coffee afterwards at their café. Parking is best in Harakeke St (approach from Kilmarnock St). Meet 9.30 at church to car pool or phone Rob Connell 384 4320 if you would like a ride.
Contributions are now being sought for the winter edition of the ‘Messenger’. Please email Sally ( by 22 May. Thank you.
Next Movie night Saturday 25th May 2024 5.15pm – ‘Lili’: Based on a Paul Gallico story, the film unfolds in the bright atmosphere of a travelling French carnival. Here Lili (Leslie Caron) becomes a waitress, but she is fired after one night for spending too much time watching Jean Pierre Aumont, the handsome magician with whom she is infatuated. Lili is grief stricken until a lame puppeteer (Mel Ferrer) uses his little friends to woo her from sorrow. Soon she is part of his act, childishly happy with the four puppets but unable to deal with their moody master, whom she calls “the angry man”. How Lili blossoms from the shy young orphan to womanhood with the puppets as her guides ….. a very special film for everyone.
Tuesday 10am South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869
Tuesday 7.15pm Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group:Botanic Gardens Sonya 027 253 3397
Wednesday 10am Scottish Country Dancing (lounge) Irene 332 7306
Wednesday 7-9pm Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586
Thursday 10am Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065
Friday 9.30am Sing & Sign (lounge) Becky 022 086 2211