Here’s our Zoom link –
Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. Please stay for morning tea following the service.
Wednesday Walkers 30th October: meet 9.30am at Merchiston, 75 St Martins Rd – up drive outside the old house. All welcome to come at 10.30am for morning tea if not wanting to walk. Fern 021 2274 758.
Bookarama – The Rotary Club of Cashmere is seeking donations of books, CDs, LPs, DVDs, jigsaws and games (no magazines or textbooks) – these can be dropped off at St Martins New World until 17th November.
Christmas Crafts at Waltham Cottage, 201 Hastings St East – Every Tuesday 10am to 12pm. No charge and materials supplied. An opportunity to make gifts and Christmas decorations in the lead up to the holidays. Call 942 2173 for more information.
CONSERVATION – Week 4. A powerful and fast-acting solution is for everyone to consume less. Virtually everything that we buy is manufactured using hydrocarbons with their associated carbon footprint. If everyone reduced our consumption by 50%, emissions would be cut by near 50%. Fantastic news! The world economy would be destroyed! A whole new economic model would be required. GDP is destroying the planet. What can you do? Buy less stuff. (The cost of living crisis is helping) Did you know that the cost of living crisis is primarily driven by ecological overshoot.
Donations: if you would like to support the ministry at St Martins our bank account is: 03-1598-0011867-00. Please include your name as a reference.
Tuesday 10am South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869
Tuesday 7.15pm Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: Merchiston Fern
Wednesday 7-9pm Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586
Thursday 10am NO Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065