Here’s our Zoom link –
Topic: St Martin’s Sunday Worship. To Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 815 0869 6154
Passcode: 712158
A very warm welcome to all who worship with us, and especially to Rev Sheena Dickson for leading today’s service. Please join us for morning tea following the service.
Dan is on leave until 20th November. For urgent pastoral matters please email the Parish Office.
Be creative for Christmas – help us decorate the Christmas Tree this year, with DIY Festive Stars. Colourful Christmas wrapping paper is ideal – use two sheets, back-to-back, so the star can be viewed from both sides. Attach some string or cotton thread so it can be tied to the tree, or looped over a branch. Bring your stars anytime after 30 Nov. Instructions for the stars and some examples are in the foyer. Worship Committee.
Articles are required now for the next ‘Messenger’. Deadline is Friday 22nd November so we can have the magazine available for distribution on 1st December. Please email any contributions to Charlotte (
Wednesday Walkers 20th November: meet 9.30am near Madras & Kilmore Streets for a walk around the Avon River. Coffee at Table at Monks. All welcome – Janet 027 240 4967.
CONSERVATION – Week 7. Tourism, particularly international travel, has a huge carbon footprint which is utterly unsustainable. It’s not just the carbon emissions from fuel, but the emissions from all the infrastructure that is built around tourism. Civilisation could exist quite nicely without any tourism. Millions would be looking for new jobs. Growing food without using oil would be very labour intensive. What can you do? Simple. Stop travelling for pleasure.
Cook N Save class – would you or someone you know like to make their money go further in and out of the kitchen? Come along to St Mark’s Church, on Tues 28th Nov 9.30am. Email to book.
Sue is looking for the ‘wild’ cherry plums which are on trees now. They are a deep wine colour and about the size of a $1 – $2 coin. The leaves are also the same deep wine colour. Often planted in older properties/suburbs.
Christmas Gifts for Waltham Cottage: Please bring along suitable new gifts for boys, girls, teenagers and adults and place them under the Christmas tree in the church on Sundays 1st & 8th December. Donations of wrapping paper also appreciated.
Donations: if you would like to support the ministry at St Martins our bank account is: 03-1598-0011867-00. Please include your name as a reference.
Tuesday 10am South Elder Care (lounge) Jeannette 332 9869
Tuesday 7.15pm Meditation Group (lounge) Dugald 021 161 7007
Wednesday 9.30am Walking Group: Avon River Janet 027 240 4967
Wednesday 7-9pm Cantabile Choir (lounge) Rose 027 254 0586
Thursday 10am Crafty Crafters (lounge) Sally 332 4730
Thursday 1.30pm Sit & Be Fit (church) Anneke 021 077 4065
Saturday 10am Pathways study group (lounge)
Saturday 2.30pm Cantabile Concert & private function (whole complex)